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  • In-text Concept Checks pose a question for students to answer immediately. These questions reinforce ideas just presented, before a student moves on to new concepts, and help students synthesize ideas from across the chapter.
  • Hands-On Chemistry activities allow students to witness chemistry outside a formal laboratory setting. These can be performed using common household ingredients and equipment. Most chapters have two to three Hands-On Chemistry features, which lend themselves well to distance learning or in-class activities. Special icons identify the activities that can also be viewed on the Conceptual Chemistry Alive! DVD.
  • Calculation Corners appear in select chapters. They are included for instructors who want their students to practice the quantitative reasoning skills involved in chemical problem solving. In each, an example problem and answer shows students how to perform calculations related to concepts in the text. After these examples, the Your Turn section gives a similar problem for students to solve. None of the calculations involve skills beyond fractions, percentages, or basic algebra.
  •  Conceptual Chemistry, Third Edition features more applied material and an expanded quantitative approach to help non-science majors understand how chemistry is related to their everyday lives. Building on the clear, friendly writing style and superior art program that has made Conceptual Chemistry a market-leading text, the Third Edition links chemistry to the real world and ensures that students master the problem-solving skills they need to solve chemical equations.

    New Spotlight Essays at the end of the first 12 chapters focus on topics such as Nanotechnology and Extending the Human Lifespan that help students connect what they learn in the classroom to what they see in the world. More in-depth coverage of stoichiometry and gas laws, along with better identification of various end-of-chapter problem types and new collaborative problem sets, provide increased mathematical rigor for instructors who want to emphasize quantitative understanding in their course.

    The Third Edition also features the most comprehensive supplements package on the market: Each new copy of the book is packaged with the Conceptual Chemistry Alive DVD, an engaging, multimedia course that contains mini-lectures, demos, animations, and other interactive exercises. Two new supplements, an Activities Workbookand a Student Resource Guide give students more opportunity to practice the concepts they learn in lecture.

    [What's New]

    • Spotlight Essays at the end of the first 12 chapters show students how chemistry is applied to the world around them and makes the material more relevant to their lives.
    • Expanded quantitative coverage:
      • Better identified problem types at the end of each chapter and more collaborative problem sets build upon Suchocki's superior problem-solving approach.
      • More in-depth coverage of gas laws and stoichiometry emphasize quantitative understanding.
    • Conceptual Chemistry Alive, a complete, multimedia course on DVD, is now packaged with each new book. The DVD contains mini-lectures, demos, animations, home chemistry projects, and concept checks.
    • The Student Activity Manual gives students a conceptual appreciation for chemistry by providing a set of hands-on activities on topics such as measurement, temperature, mixtures, and solutions.
    • TheStudy Guide features a set of individual and group exercises and problems designed to help foster a strong conceptual understanding of chemistry. Exercises include Readiness Assurance Tests that students can take prior to their exams to ensure they are properly prepared, and Study Group Exercises designed for in-class group work.
    • Two-page spread chapter openers improve the visual appeal of the text and immediately draw students into the material.


    1. Chemistry Is A Science
    2. Elements of Chemistry
    3. Discovering the Atom and Subatomic Particles
    4. The Atomic Nucleus
    5. Atomic Models
    6. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Shapes
    7. Molecular Mixing
    8. Those Incredible Water Molecules
    9. An Overview of Chemical Reactions
    10. Acids and Bases
    11. Oxidations and Reductions
    12. Organic Chemistry
    13. Chemicals of Life
    14. The Chemistry of Drugs
    15. Optimizing Food Production
    16. Fresh Water Resources
    17. Air Resources
    18. Material Resources
    19. Energy Resources of Carbon
    20. Synthetic and Biological Polymers





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