For DC/AC Circuit Analysis courses requiring a comprehensive, classroom tested and time tested text with an emphasis on circuit analysis and theory.
THE most widely acclaimed text in the field for more than three decades, Introductory Circuit Analysis provides introductory-level students with the most thorough, understandable presentation of circuit analysis available. Exceptionally clear explanations and descriptions, step-by-step examples, practical applications, and comprehensive coverage of essentials provide students with a solid, accessible foundation.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Voltage and Current
Chapter 3: Resistance
Chapter 4: Ohm’s Law, Power, and Energy
Chapter 5: Series dc Circuits
Chapter 6: Parallel dc Circuits
Chapter 7: Series-Parallel Circuits
Chapter 8: Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (dc)
Chapter 9: Network Theorems
Chapter 10: Capacitors
Chapter 11: Inductors
Chapter 12: Magnetic Circuits
Chapter 13: Sinusoidal Alternating Waveforms
Chapter 14: The Basic Elements and Phasors
Chapter 15: Series and Parallel ac Circuits
Chapter 16:Series-Parallel ac Networks
Chapter 17: Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (ac)
Chapter 18: Network Theorems (ac)
Chapter 19: Power (ac)
Chapter 20: Resonance
Chapter 21: Decibels, Filters, and Bode Plots
Chapter 22: Transformers
Chapter 23: Polyphase Systems
Chapter 24: Pulse Waveforms and the R-C Response
Chapter 25: Nonsinusoidal Circuits