Islam:Between Message and History
Wills, Trusts, and Probate Administration for the Texas Paralegal

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Established in London in 2002, the Aga Khan University, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations aims to strengthen research and teaching about the heritages of Muslim societies as they have evolved over time, and to examine the challenges these societies face in today's globalised world. It also seeks to create opportunities for interaction among academics, traditionally trained scholars, innovative thinkers and leaders, in an effort to promote dialogue and build bridges.

This series aims to broaden current debates about Muslim realities which often ignore seminal works produced in languages other than English. By identifying and translating critical and innovative thinking that has engendered important debates within its own settings, the series hopes to introduce new perspectives to the discussions about Muslim civilisations occurring on the world stage.

This book could easily be called `A Guide for the Modern Muslim', for someone to whom the sentiments of his or her ancestors resonate but who cannot accept the canonised formulas of a stultified education. Charfi spells out what, for him, is the essential message of Islam, followed by a history of its unfolding through the person of the Prophet Muhammad, who was a visionary seeking to change the ideals, attitudes and behaviours of the society in which he lived. The message and its history are delineated as two separate things, conflated by tradition. Charfi's reflections cross those horizons where few Muslim scholars have dared until now to tread. He confronts with great lucidity those difficult questions with which Muslims are struggling, attempting to reconsider them from a moral and political perspective that is independent of the frameworks produced by tradition.


Abdelmadjid Charfi was Professor of Arabic Civilisation and Islamic Thought at University of Manouba until his retirement in 2002. He has written extensively about the founding moments of Islam.
David Bond studied Arabic at Wadham College (Oxford) and is editorial coordinator of the review Ibla of the Institut des belles-lettres arabes in Tunis.
Abdou Filali-Ansary is Director of the Aga Khan University, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations. He is the author of several books including Is Islam Hostile to Secularism? and Reforming Islam? An Introduction to Contemporary Debates.
Sikeena Karmali Ahmed is the Manager of Publications at the Aga Khan University, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations. She is the author of a collection of poetry. Places to Remember, and an award-winning novel entitled A House by the Sea.






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