Coach and Couch: The Psychology of Making Better Leaders

Coach and Couch: The Psychology of Making Better Leaders


:NT$ 4929 元
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This book is a volume of essays on topics relevant to leadership development. Drawing upon substantial research this book presents the essential leadership models and equips practitioners with tools for developing executive coaches and working with business leaders.


MANFRED KETS DE VRIES is The Raoul de Vitry d'Avaucourt Chaired Professor of Leadership Development and the Clinical Professor of Leadership Development at Insead Business School, France. He has also held professorships at McGill University, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Montreal and the Harvard Business School. Kets de Vries is a founding member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. The Financial Times, Le Capital, Wirtschaftswoche and The Economist have judged him one of the world's leading thinkers on leadership. He is the author, co-author or editor of more than twenty books and has published over 200 scientific papers as chapters in books and as articles. His books and articles have been translated into eighteen languages. He is a member of seventeen editorial boards. Kets de Vries has been elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management.

KONSTANTIN KOROTOV is an Assistant Professor at ESMT and also an Executive Coach and a Researcher Fellow with the INSEAD Global Leadership Center in Fontainebleau, France. In addition to his academic work, he has over 10 years of practical Leadership Development experience in the US, Russia, UK, France, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany and Latvia. He has designed and delivered executive programmes for Ernst & Young, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Shell, ABN-Amro, Japan Tobacco International, Mars, Mittal Steel, Philip Morris, Frontstep CIS, British American Tobacco, Western NIS Enterprise Fund, Russian Presidential Programme for Management Cadre Development, Uralsib, Pernod-Ricard, and US Government's Edmund S. Muskie Program, as well as taught MBA-level, executive, and undergraduate courses at Stockholm School of Economics, INSEAD, and American Institute of Business and Economics (Moscow).

ELIZABETH FLORENT-TREACY is Research Project Manager at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, and Singapore. She has conducted research in the following areas: global leadership; global organizations; corporate culture in European and global organizations; American, French and Russian business practices; family business issues (governance, succession, strategy); entrepreneurial leadership; cross-cultural management; women and global leadership; cultural aspects of mergers and acquisitions; transformational leadership; expatriate executives and families; and the psychodynamics of leadership. She has written 18 case studies, five of which won top case writing awards (ECCH and EFMD). She has also taught seminars on case writing. She has co-authored or authored 14 articles and book chapters, and co-authored two books, on leadership and family business topics.







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