Capital Rising: How Capital Flows Are Changing Business Systems All over the World

Capital Rising: How Capital Flows Are Changing Business Systems All over the World


:NT$ 2880 元
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"Capital Rising is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand how the globalization of venture capital and private equity investment is dramatically impacting the rise and fall of industries."---Patrick J. Mcgovern, Founder & Chairman, International Data Group (IDG)

"Original and thought provoking, Cohan and Rangan make us recognize both the importance of global capital flows and their impact on the competitiveness of countries and firms. Lying at the intersection of finance, international business, entrepreneurship, and public policy, this fresh perspective offers an insightful approach to uncover new opportunities and shed light on hidden risks."---Mark Nunnelly, Managing Director, Bain Capital

"Capital Rising is a very good read and sets forth an intelligent and cohesive approach for thinking critically about making cross-border business decisions. I would urge investors and executives grappling with such decisions to read this book and apply its lessons."---Thomas Flexner, Global Head of Real Estate, Citigroup

"Cohan and Rangan bring our understanding of the globalization of trade, capital flows, and entrepreneurship to a new level. Whether for policymakers, capital providers, entrepreneurs, or managers operating in a global company, Capital Rising provides tangible insight into what separates successful entrepreneurs and business start-ups from those that don't make it in the increasingly global world that we live in today."---Gregory J. Fleming, President, Morgan Stanley Investment Management and Global Research

"Much has been written about the globalization of enterprise. For the first time, Cohan and Rangan have comprehensively documented the implications of globalization for the diffusion of entrepreneurial activities. Their insights into the context that drives the flow of funds around the world will serve as a useful guide!"---Leonard A. Schlesinger, President, Babson College

"This book combines a broad conceptual framework for entrepreneurism. Since these cases include failures as well as successes, the authors are able to generate specific and useful recommendations for policymakers, capital providers and business managers."---Robert Pozen, Chairman of MFS Investment Management and Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School

Globalization has changed the nature of entrepreneurship today, and with it, the face of economic growth. Today, policymakers, capital providers, and business managers are increasingly interested in maximizing their use of capital to spur economic development and job creation. Capital Rising delivers a new way for them to think about growth.

The authors have a created a new and sophisticated framework for understanding international capital flows, the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. This model consists of four key factors: financial markets, corporate governance, human capital, and intellectual property regime. Using dozens of case studies developed through interviews with organizations and drawing on the latest academic research, they look at how the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem interacts with today's global economy, including growing, maturing, and rejuvenating industries, and various countries worldwide. They also look in-depth at the implications for policymakers, capital providers, and managers in both start-ups and established organizations, providing them with both best practices and essential analytic tools that will help them to profit from the opportunities while avoiding risks in the global economy

This groundbreaking approach will fundamentally change the way capital providers and managers invest and make strategic decisions in today's increasingly global economy by highlighting previously unappreciated risks and opportunities


Peter Cohan is president of Peter S. Cohan & Associates (, a management consulting and venture capital firm. He has consulted on matters of global strategy to companies based in the U.S., Japan, China, Singapore, Italy, and Portugal, Of the six private companies in which he invested, three were sold for $2 billion. Cohan also teaches business strategy at Babson College in Wellesley, MA. Among his previous writings is the award-winning book You Can't Order Change: Lessons from Jim McNerney's Turnaround at Boeing
U. Sriniviasa Rangan is Associate Professor of Strategy and International Business at Babson College and is a recipient of several teaching awards. Among his teaching, research, and consulting interests are global strategies of firms and forging and managing of strategic alliances. He is the co-author of the best-selling book, Strategic Alliances: An Entrepreneurial Approach to Globalization







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