Administrator'S Staff Development Activities Kit (Was Spiral)

Administrator'S Staff Development Activities Kit (Was Spiral)


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Elementary and secondary school administrators will appreciate this comprehensive, ready-to-use staff development activities program that integrates in-service training, supervision, and evaluation. The program encourages professional growth through self-assessment and includes over 120 reproducible forms, charts, models and other aids that can be used "as is" in developmental activities. Topics and activities include Professional Growth in Schools: Looking at the Big Picture, In-Service Training, What It is and What It Can Be, Extending Current Concepts of In-Service Training, Supervision: Past & Present, The What & How of Supervision, The Process of Effective Supervision, Teacher Evaluation: Past & Present, The Processes of Effective Evaluation, Assuring the Linkages Among In-Service Training, and Supervision, & Evaluation. Includes a reproducible four-page Observation Booklet designed to help teachers gather information about their classroom performance and to promote teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation.


Michael D. Koehler, Ph.D., has been teaching educational administration, leadership, and supervision since 1974. The author of 14 educational resources by Prentice Hall and its imprints, he currently is teaching part-time as well as writing, speaking and consulting with schools on teacher supervision and other topics.


SECTION 1: Professional growth in schools: looking at the big picture.

What is professional growth?

Figure 1-1 professional growth model.

The complementary relationships among in-service training, supervision, and assessment.

What is currently happening in many schools?

Figure 1-2 professional growth in many schools.

Taking a closer look at processes.

Figure 1-3 evaluation system.

Figure1-4 professional growth relationship.

Taking one last look at the linkages.

Assuring the relationship.

Questions of control.

Taking a closer look at empowerment.

What are the needs of teachers?

Relating motivation to professional growth.

Money as a external motivator.

Consider the farmer and the seed.

Professional growth as a motivator.

The absence of total quality.

Considering additional needs.

Figure 1-5 needs assessment format.

Introducing professional growth as "helping hands".

Figure 1-6 helping hands.

Considering the context of professional growth.

Let's wrap it up.

SECTION 2: In-service training: what it is and what it can be.

Practicing what is preached.

In-service training: what should it be?

Finding experts in the building.

Figure 2-2 sharing your strengths.

The move toward transpositional leadership.

The current picture of in-service training.

Reconsidering the value of new knowledge found outside the school.

Figure 2-3 follow-up for university and workshop experiences.

Improving the current picture.

More about needs assessments.

Figure 2-4 culture and climate: an inventory.

More needs assessment.

Figure 2-5 values and student behavior: a needs assessment.

Let's wrap it up.

SECTION 3: Extending current concepts of in-service training.

Providing follow-up opportunities.

When such experiences are not provided.

Taking a closer look at the appearance of change.

How to avoid "in-service draining".

Teachers and new knowledge.

New-teacher orientation.

Looking at the nuts and bolts.

Figure 3-1 introduction to in-service activities: new teachers.

Figure 3-2 new-teacher in-service evaluation.

Figure 3-3 new-teacher in-service year-end evaluation.

Taking a closer look at the school's culture.

Figure 3-4 it's your call: case study.

Figure 3-5 it's your call: case study 2.

The need for consistency.

Figure 3-6 it's your call: case study 3.

Figure 3-7 it's your call: case study 4.

Figure 3-8 it's your call: case study 5.

New-teacher orientation and the instructional program.

Figure 3-9 video library.

Other "library" materials.

Figure 3-10 a quick suggestion.

Intravisitation observation and follow-up meetings.

Figure 3-11 visitation resource book.

Figure 3-12 teacher availability.

Conversations with experts in the building.

Considering the value of portfolios for in-service training.

Portfolios and in-service training.

Figure 3-13 portfolios: a few suggestions.

Using journals to promote introspection.

Figure 3-14 teacher journals.

Endless possibilities.

School-university partnerships.

Tandemed portfolios.

Expanded collaboration.

Relating in-service training to super vision.

Figure 3-15 professional growth relationships: in-service to supervision.

Let's wrap it up.

SECTION 4: Supervision: Past and Present.

Providing light— not heat.

Judgement and professional performance.

Supervision and the administrative hierarchy.

The downside of teacher evaluation.

Sharing performance standards with teachers.

Figure 4-1 standards of teacher performance.

Role versus process.

Distinguishing among administratively directed, peer-directed, and self-directed observation.

Separating supervision from evaluation.

Encouraging teachers to take risks.

Supervision as revitalization.

The need for philosophical consistency.

Let's wrap it up.

SECTION 5: The what and how of supervision.

Promoting trust.

Our need to risk imperfection.

Reviewing supervision as exploration.

Another golf example.

Supervision as energy.

Figure 5-1 mirrors.

Figure 5-2 red pencils.

Relating the standards to in-service information.

Relating the standards to supervision and evaluation.

Collecting and using observational data.

Collecting observational data.

Conferencing about the data.

Figure 5-3 classroom observation: preliminary input.

Figure 5-4 self-analysis.

Interpreting the data.

Figure 5-5 observation record.

Analyzing the data.

Evaluating the data.

Figure 5-6 the johari window.

Projecting the experience to future lessons.

Who is a supervisor?

Figure 5-7 student feedback.

Promoting proper behaviors among all supervisors.

Figure 5-8 role-playing episode 1.

Figure 5-9 role-playing episode 2.

Figure 5-10 role-playing episode 3.

Figure 5-11 evolution of leadership.

Figure 5-12 sample questions.

Maintaining the cycle.

Let's wrap it up.

SECTION 6: The process of effective supervision.

Assessing the need for change.

More questions to ask.

The availability of in-service training.

Figure 6-1 a quick in-service: standards: 1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7,1-17,1-25.

Figure 6-2 a quick in-service: standards: 1-11,1-14,1-17,2-4.

Role versus process revisited.

Taking another look at self-directed observation.

Figure 6-3 self-directed supervision.

The advantages and principles of self-directed observation.

Maslow's continuum: from potential to perfection.

Figure 6-4 maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Figure 6-5 the actualization continuum.

Reaching for perfection.

The observation booklet.

Mentoring programs.

Teacher tandems.

Figure 6-6 teacher tandems.

Collegial groups.

Figure 6-7 collegial teams.

Audiotaped observation.

Figure 6-8 an audio experience: introduction.

Figure 6-9 an audio experience: reflections from the mirror.

Figure 6-10 an audio experience: follow-up.

Videotaped observation.

Figure 6-11 a video experience: introduction.

Figure 6-12 a video experience: pretest.

Figure 6-13 a video experience: pretest thought.

Figure 6-14 a mirror of performance: general self-evaluation.

Figure 6-15 a mirror of performance: a few specific considerations.

Figure 6-16 a mirror of performance: specific teaching behaviors.

Figure 6-17 a mirror of performance: follow-up thoughts.

Figure 6-18 video observation request for camera operator.

Student feedback.

Parent feedback.

Figure 6-19 parent feedback.

Self-reported growth.

Figure 6-20 self-reported observation.

Script taping.

Teacher journals.

Figure 6-21 self-reflective journals.

Supervising supervisors, administrators, and others.

Figure 6-22 Mundelein high school: superindentent performance feedback survey.

Figure 6-23 developing observation instruments.

Relating supervision to evaluation.

Figure 6-24 professional growth relationships: supervision to evaluation.

Let's wrap it up.

SECTION 7: Teacher evaluation: Past and Present.

Moving beyond tradition.

Reconciling reality with traditional expectations.

Evaluation and the school hierarchy.

The need for quality control.

Who evaluates what?

Teachers as customers.

Figure 7-1 one way to create an observational record.

Figure 7-2 a better way.

Figure 7-3 the "better way" can lead to the best evaluation.

Figure 7-4 the year in review.

Figure 7-5 teacher-directed evaluation.

Figure 7-6 feedback: teacher-directed observation.

Evaluation for what? From quality control to dismissal.

Evaluating the evaluators.

Taking another look at behavior.

Figure 7-7 role-playing episode: teacher evaluation.

Let's wrap it up.

SECTION 8: The processes of effective evaluation.

Changing the river.

Managers versus leaders.

The sunshine syndrome.

Efficiency versus effectiveness: taking another look at checklists.

Maintaining teacher self-evaluation during the summative process.

Figure 8-1 annual review.

Using the observation instruments in an evaluative setting.

Establishing the evaluation schedule.

Integrating supervision with evaluation: an example.

Evaluating for tenure decisions.

Figure 8-2 student evaluation.

Figure 8-3 interviewing for tenure: sample questions.

Figure 8-4 teacher self-evaluation.

Evaluating for dismissal (someone has to do it).

The realities of due process.

Procedural and substantive due process.

Procedural due process.

Substantive due process.

Clarifying the grounds for dismissal.


Neglect of duty.

Immoral behavior.

Unprofessional conduct.


The dismissal process.

Figure 8-5 fundamental skills.

Important dismissal procedures.

Figure 8-6 dismissal checklist.

Relating evaluation to in-service training.

Figure 8-7 professional growth relationships: evaluation to in-service.

Figure 8-8 it's your call! (1).

Figure 8-9 it's your call! (2).

Figure 8-10 it's your call! (3).

Let's wrap it up.

SECTION 9: Assuring the linkages among in-service training, supervision, and evaluation.

Developing an effective professional growth program.

Taking another look at the helping hands.

Who does what and when.

The reality of transpositional leadership.

Figure 9-1 the continuing evolution of educational leadership.

Maintaining the focus on the school's values.

Emphasizing a common belief system.

Implementing collaborative processes.

Considering the impact of collective bargaining.

The basic purposes of professional growth: a review.

Providing teachers with options.

Let's wrap it up.


Observation booklet.

Standards of teacher performance.

Standards of teacher performance.

Fundamental skills.

In-service training.

A quick in-service: criteria for student success.

A quick in-service: the previous learnings.

A quick in-service: elements of curriculum.

A quick in-service: housekeeping chores.

A quick in-service: using praise.

A quick in-service: questioning technique.

A quick in-service: lesson objectives.

A quick in-service: active listening.

A quick in-service: script-taping.

Observation instruments.

Sample questions.

The "previous learnings" tally.

Time-on-task tally.

Focusing on objectives.

Working within the curriculum.

Critical question tally sheet.

Using understandable language.

Housekeeping chores.

Handling interferences tally.

Student behavior tally.

Lesson presentation tally.

Wait time tally.

Feedback to students.

Student participation tally.

Probe and elaboration question tally.

Decision to reteach tally.

Teacher movement in classroom tally.

Teacher movement in classroom tally example.

Guided and independent practice tally.

Lesson summary tally.

Study habit tally.

Modality measure.

Managing variable levels of ability.

Teaching different levels of ability tally 1.

Teaching different levels of ability tally 2.

Guilford analysis technique.

Using praise.

Active listening tally.

Final considerations.

Developing observation instruments.

Self-reported observation.







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