Embedded Systems Handbook

Embedded Systems Handbook


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During the past few years there has been an dramatic upsurge in research and development, implementations of new technologies, and deployments of actual solutions and technologies in the diverse application areas of embedded systems. These areas include automotive electronics, industrial automated systems, and building automation and control. Comprising 48 chapters and the contributions of 74 leading experts from industry and academia, the Embedded Systems Handbook, Second Edition presents a comprehensive view of embedded systems: their design, verification, networking, and applications. The contributors, directly involved in the creation and evolution of the ideas and technologies presented, offer tutorials, research surveys, and technology overviews, exploring new developments, deployments, and trends. To accommodate the tremendous growth in the field, the handbook is now divided into two volumes.
New in This Edition:

Processors for embedded systems
Processor-centric architecture description languages
Networked embedded systems in the automotive and industrial automation fields
Wireless embedded systems

Embedded Systems Design and Verification
Volume I of the handbook is divided into three sections. It begins with a brief introduction to embedded systems design and verification. The book then provides a comprehensive overview of embedded processors and various aspects of system-on-chip and FPGA, as well as solutions to design challenges. The final section explores power-aware embedded computing, design issues specific to secure embedded systems, and web services for embedded devices.
Networked Embedded Systems
Volume II focuses on selected application areas of networked embedded systems. It covers automotive field, industrial automation, building automation, and wireless sensor networks. This volume highlights implementations in fast-evolving areas which have not received proper coverage in other publications. Reflecting the unique functional requirements of different application areas, the contributors discuss inter-node communication aspects in the context of specific applications of networked embedded systems.


Richard Zurawski is with ISA Group in San Francisco, California, and is involved in providing solutions to Fortune companies.


Volume I Contents

System Level Design and Verification

Real-Time in Networked Embedded Systems, H. Hanson, T. Nolte, M. Sjodin, and D. Sundmark
Design of Embedded Systems, L. Lavango and C. Passerone
Models of Embedded Computation for Distributed Embedded Systems, A. Jantsch
Embedded Software Modeling and Design, M. Di Natale
Languages for Design and Verification, S. Edwards
Synchronous Hypothesis and Polychronous Languages, D. Potop-Butucaru, R. de Simone, J.-P. Talpin
Processor-Centric Architecture Description Languages, S. Leibson, H. Sanghavi, and N. Andrews
Network-Ready, Open Source Operating Systems for Embedded Real-Time Applications, I. C. Bertolotti

Determining Bounds on Execution Times, R. Wilhelm
Performance Analysis of Distributed Embedded Systems, L. Thiele, E. Wandeler, and W. Haid
Power Aware Embedded Computing, M. F. Jacome and A. Ramachandran
Embedded Processors and System-on-Chip Design
Processors for Embedded Systems, S. Leibson
System-on-Chip Design, G. Martin
SoC Communication Architectures: From Interconnection Buses to Packet-Switched NoCs, J. L. Ayala, M. Lopez-Valleyo, D. Bertozzi, and L. Benini

Networks-on-Chip: an Interconnect Fabric for Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip, F. Gilabert, D. Bertozzi, L. Benini, G. De Micheli

Hardware/Software Interfaces Design for SoC, K. Popovici, W. O. Cesário, F. R. Wagner, and A. A. Jerraya
FPGA Synthesis and Physical Design, M. Hutton and V. Betz
Embedded System Security and Web Services
Design Issues in Secure Embedded Systems, A. G. Fragopoulos, D. Serpanos, and A. G. Voyiatzis
Web Services for Embedded Devices, H. Bohn and F. Golatowski
Volume II Contents

Networked Embedded Systems: An Introduction
Networked Embedded Systems: An Overview, R. Zurawski
Middleware Design and Implementation for Networked Embedded Systems, V. Subramonian and C. D. Gill
Wireless Sensor Networks

Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks, S. Dulman and P. J. M. Havinga
Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks, S. Dulman, S. Chatterjea, and P. J. M. Havinga
Overview of Time Synchronization Issues in Sensor Networks, W. Su
Resource Aware Localization in Sensor Networks, F. Reichenbach, J. Blumenthal, and D. Timmermann
Power-efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, L. Lo Bello and E. Toscano
Energy-Efficient MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks, L. Lo Bello, M. Collotta and E. Toscano
Distributed Signal Processing in Sensor Networks, O. S. Jahromi and P. Aarabi
Sensor Network Security, G. Schaefer
Wireless Sensor Networks Testing and Validation, M. Woehrle, J. Beutel, L. Thiele
Developing and Testing of Software for Sensor Networks, J. Blumenthal, F. Golatowski, R. Behnke, S. Prüter, and D. Timmermann
Automotive Networked Embedded Systems
Trends in Automotive Communication Systems, N. Navet, F. Simonot-Lion

Time-Triggered Communication, R. Obermaisser
Controller Area Network, G. Cena and A. Valenzano

FlexRay Communication Technology, R. Nossal-Tueyeni and D. Millinger
The LIN Standard, A. Rajnak
Standardized Basic System Software for Automotive Applications, T. Galla
Volcano Technology: Enabling Correctness by Design, A. Rajnak
Networked Embedded Systems in Industrial Automation
Fieldbus Systems: Embedded Networks for Automation, T. Sauter
Real-Time Ethernet for Automation Applications, M. Felser
Configuration and Management of Networked Embedded Devices, W. Elmenreich
Networked Control Systems for Manufacturing: Parameterization, Differentiation, Evaluation and Application, J. R. Moyne and D. M. Tilbury

Wireless LAN Technology for the Factory Floor: Challenges and Approaches, A. Willig
Wireless Local and Wireless Personal Area Network Communication in Industrial Environments, K. Matheus
Hybrid Wired/Wireless Networks Real-Time Industrial Networks, G. Cena, A. Valenzano, and S. Vitturi
Wireless Sensor Networks for Automation, J.-E. Frey and T. Lennvall
Design and Implementation of a Truly- Wireless Real-Time Sensor/Actuator Interface for Discrete Manufacturing Automation, G. Scheible, D. Dzung, J. Endresen, and J.-E. Frey
Networked Embedded Systems in Building Automation and Control

Data Communications for Distributed Building Automation, W. Kastner and G. Neugschwandtner







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