Bader Reading and Language Inventory

Bader Reading and Language Inventory


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Bader, a retired professor at Michigan State U., and Pearce (literacy education, Texas A&M U.-Corpus Christi) present the Bader Reading and Language Inventory for K-12 teachers, literacy specialists, resource teachers, and teachers of adults and English language learners to use to determine literacy levels, plan instruction, and make referrals to specialists. The text includes inventories and checklists to assess the interests and priorities of children, teens, and adults; graded word recognition lists and reader's passages; phonics and structural analysis inventories; English language learning, spelling, arithmetic, visual and auditory discrimination, preliteracy and emerging literacy, and cloze tests; and instructions for evaluating language abilities and constructing curriculum-based assessments. It also has forms for recording, summarizing, and interpreting tests, including a case study, and explanation of developing and validating the inventory. This edition has been revised to include two sets of graded passages (for elementary and secondary/adult students), some of which have been replaced. It also adds new record sheets, more accurate graded word lists for the upper levels, updates to address the needs of English language learners, and new footage and updated information on the inventory's reliability and validity on the DVD, which contains video clips of the assessment of students of different ages and abilities, as well as the test battery forms. The text also has new information on oral and silent reading, a revised checklist and quick screening instrument for English language learners, and more information on reliability. There is no index. Annotation c2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (


Lois A. Bader, Michigan State University Professor Emeritus, continues her extensive consultation and research in literacy. As Executive Director of the Capital Area Literacy Coalition (CALC) in Lansing, Michigan, she involves university students and community volunteers to extend clinical and remedial services to a wide range of clients. CALC’s ELL, GED, workplace, K–12, and adult programs are ongoing. Dr. Bader’s awards include CASE Professor of the Year, ALER Research and Scholarship Award, and Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame.

Daniel L. Pearce is Professor of Literacy Education at Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. He is Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of the PhD programs in literacy and general education. He has won awards for teaching, service, and scholarship. His interests lie in reading diagnosis, working with problem readers, reading comprehension, and school improvement projects.







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