Business Ethics

Business Ethics


:NT$ 4875 元
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Business Ethics provides a thorough review and analysis of business ethics issues using several learning tools:

Strategic Stakeholder Management as the Theme: All chapters use a strategic stakeholder approach as a unifying theme. The text is thus the first text that adopts this approach. Most business ethics scholars and practitioners agree that successful ethical companies are the ones that can strategically balance the needs of their various stakeholders. By adopting this approach, students will be able to see how the various aspects of business ethics are connected.

Theory-based and Application-based: All chapters have important applicable theories integrated with discussion of how such theories apply in practice. Unlike other texts that are either too theoretical or too practical, this text provides the appropriate blend of theory and practice to provide deeper insights into the concepts covered in the chapter.

Global Perspective: Unless most other texts, this text provides a global perspective on business ethics. Most chapters include material pertaining to ethics in global contexts. Included are cases about companies in a wide range of countries including Japan, U.K., China and India among many others.

Cases: The text contains over 30 real world global cases. Each chapter ends with a short two page case as well as a longer case that varies in length. Each has discussions questions at the end. Finally each of the four parts ends with a Comprehensive Case; proven teaching cases from The Ivey School and other sources.


K. Praveen Parboteeah is Professor of Management in the Department of Management, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater. He received his Ph.D. from Washington State University, holds an MBA from California State University–Chico and a BSc (Honors) in Management Studies from the University of Mauritius.

Parboteeah regularly teaches international management, business ethics, and strategic management at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He has received numerous teaching awards and is included in multiple editions of Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers and is a University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Master Teacher and Teaching Scholar. He also received a Certificate of Excellence for Teaching from the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater during the 2006-2007 academic year. He was also the recipient of the 2007-2008 University of Wisconsin – Whitewater Research Award.

Parboteeah’s research interests include international management, ethics, and technology and innovation management. He has published over 30 articles in leading journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Decision Sciences, Journal of Business Ethics, Human Relations, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Research and Management International Review.

Parboteeah has been involved in many aspects of business ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He initiated a faculty workshop where faculty members met and discussed business ethics issues. He is also the faculty advisor-founder of the Business Ethics Student Association at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater. He is among a handful of judges for Wisconsin's only business ethics award, namely the Better Business Bureau Torch Award. He also lectures on the matter worldwide and is a Honorary faculty member of the Center for Ethical Leadership at the Otto Beisheim School of Management at WHU, Germany.

Of Indian ancestry, Parboteeah grew up on the African island of Mauritius and speaks Creole, French and English. He currently lives in Whitewater with his South Korean wife Kyong and children Alisha and Davin.

John B. Cullen is Professor of Management and Huber Chair of Entrepreneurship at Washington State University. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Professor Cullen is the author or co-author of five books and over 70 journal articles, most of which appeared in major business journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Organizational Studies, Journal of Vocational Behavior, American Journal of Sociology, Organizational Dynamics, and the Journal of World Business. In the area of business ethics, he is known primarily for his ground-breaking work on ethical climates. Most recently, his work examines business ethics in the international context.

Professor Cullen is currently Senior Editor for the Journal of World Business. Professor Cullen is also Past President of the Western Academy of Management and a former Fulbright Scholar. He lives with his wife, Jean Johnson, with whom he has co-authored one child and numerous academic publications.







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