How to Say Anything to Anyone ─ A Guide to Building Business Relationships That Really Work
替代書名:How to Say Anything to Anyone
出版社:Greenleaf Book Group Llc
作者:Shari Harley
規格:23.5cm*15.9cm*2.5cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 758 元無庫存,下單後進貨(到貨天數約30-45天)
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We all know how it feels when our colleagues talk about us but not to us. It’s frustrating, and it creates tension. When candor is missing in the workplace, employees feel like they’re working in the dark. Leaders don’t know what employees really think; managers are frustrated when outcomes are not what they expect; and employees often don’t know where they stand performance-wise.?Many of us remain passive against broken, indirect communication habits, hoping that things will miraculously improve?but they won’t. Not without skills and effort.The people you work with can work with you, around you, or against you. How people work with you depends on the relationships you cultivate. Do your colleagues trust you? Can they speak openly to you when projects and tasks go awry??Take charge of your career by taking charge of your business relationships. Make your work environment less tense and more productive by practicing direct communication. Set relationship expectations, work with people how they like to work, and give and receive regular feedback.In How to Say Anything to Anyone, you’ll learn how to:‧ ask for what you want at work‧ improve all types of working relationships?‧ reduce the gossip and drama in your office?‧ tell people when you’re frustrated in a way that resonates?‧ take action on your ideas and feelings‧ get honest feedback on your performanceHarley shares the real-life stories of people who have struggled to get what they want at work. With her clear and specific roadmap in hand, Harley enables you to create the career and business relationships you really want?and keep them.??
Shari Harley started her career selling and facilitating programs for Dale Carnegie Training. She has also provided training for American Century Investments, led leadership development and succession planning for OppenheimerFunds, and taught leadership courses at the University of Denver. She holds a MA in communication from the University of Denver and a BA in psychology from Washington University in St. Louis, MO.
In 2007 Harley left her corporate career to launch Candid Culture, a training and consulting firm that seeks to bring candor back to the workplace, creating a safe haven for employees and managers to speak honestly. Shari is known globally as an engaging, funny, content-rich business speaker, trainer, and consultant. Her practical approach to making business relationships work has enabled her to speak and train throughout the United States and in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Dubai, and Australia.
Shari has a passion for international travel and there are few places she won’t go. When not traveling, speaking, or training, Shari spends as much time as possible outside. She lives in Denver, Colorado. 主題書展