The Innovative CIO ─ How IT Leaders Can Drive Business Transformation
替代書名:The Innovative Cio
出版社:Springer-Verlag New York Inc
作者:Andi Mann; George Watt; Peter Matthews
規格:23.5cm*15.9cm*2.5cm (高/寬/厚)
Does your organization fumble when it comes to innovation? The Innovative CIO' presents a pragmatic guide to overcoming the 10 innovation killers' within your company. --Dennis McCafferty CIO Insight, 1/23/2013 ( Are you unwittingly stifling your employees' entrepreneurial spirit? The Innovative CIO' discusses innovation killers' that could be holding back your small business or startup. --Paul Shread TIME/Business & Money, 1/29/2013 (
The Chief Information Officer's influence in the business organization has been waning for years. The rest of the C-suite has come to regard Information Technology as slow, costly, error-prone, boring, and unresponsive to business needs. This perception blinds company leaders to the critical value IT can deliver and threatens the competitive health and long-term survival of their enterprise. The modern CIO must reassert the operational and strategic importance of technology to the enterprise and reintegrate it with every department and level of the business from boardroom to mailroom.IT leaders must design, sell, and implement a vigorous culture of IT competence and innovation that pervades the enterprise. The culture must be rooted in bidirectional exchange across organizations and C-level policies that drive technology innovation as the engine of business innovation.The authors, international IT strategists and innovators, quantify the benefits and risks of IT innovation, survey and rank the myriad innovation opportunities from mature, new, and emerging technologies, and identify the organizational structures and processes that have been proven to deliver ongoing innovation. Buttressing their brief with dozens of case studies and specific examples, The Innovative CIO shows you how to: Take advantage of the IT and business innovation opportunities created by new and emerging technologies Shift IT innovation from afterthought to prime mover in strategic business planning Inject IT into the dynamic core of your organization's culture, training, structure, practice, and policy
What you'll learn
* Grasp the business basics of new information technologies: Virtualization Cloud Computing Consumer-Driven IT Bring-Your-Own-Device Personalization Process Automation Mobile Computing E-Commerce Big Data and Analytics Social Networking E-Collaboration
* Judge the business opportunities presented by new and emerging technologies.
* Deploynew technologies to create and release new products.
* Use new technologies to penetrate and capture new markets.
* Harness new technologies to accelerate M&A time-to-value and add shareholder value.
* Applynew technologies to improve staff retention and productivity. Who this book is for
The Innovative CIO targets all IT leadersnot only CIOs, but also VPs and directors of IT and IT operations, datacenter managers, and all other IT leaders who aspire to advance their careers as IT-providers to business leaders. This book serves secondarily as a guide to non-IT business leaders who are alert to the ways that IT can boost their abilities to innovate, to turbocharge their products, services, and processes, and to compete nimbly in fast-changing markets. Table of Contents Innovation Matters Stories from the Trenches Innovation Is Not the Only I Business Innovation vs.IT Innovation Pull and Push Opportunities to Innovate Today Innovating with Consumer-Driven IT Opportunities to Innovate Tomorrow Making Innovation Intentional Connecting IT Innovation with Business Value The Dirty Little Secrets of IT Innovation What's Next for Me? Summary
The Chief Information Officer's influence in the business organization has been waning for years. The rest of the C-suite has come to regard Information Technology as slow, costly, error-prone, boring, and unresponsive to business needs. This perception blinds company leaders to the critical value IT can deliver and threatens the competitive health and long-term survival of their enterprise. The modern CIO must reassert the operational and strategic importance of technology to the enterprise and reintegrate it with every department and level of the business from boardroom to mailroom.IT leaders must design, sell, and implement a vigorous culture of IT competence and innovation that pervades the enterprise. The culture must be rooted in bidirectional exchange across organizations and C-level policies that drive technology innovation as the engine of business innovation.The authors, international IT strategists and innovators, quantify the benefits and risks of IT innovation, survey and rank the myriad innovation opportunities from mature, new, and emerging technologies, and identify the organizational structures and processes that have been proven to deliver ongoing innovation. Buttressing their brief with dozens of case studies and specific examples, The Innovative CIO shows you how to: Take advantage of the IT and business innovation opportunities created by new and emerging technologies Shift IT innovation from afterthought to prime mover in strategic business planning Inject IT into the dynamic core of your organization's culture, training, structure, practice, and policy
What you'll learn
* Grasp the business basics of new information technologies: Virtualization Cloud Computing Consumer-Driven IT Bring-Your-Own-Device Personalization Process Automation Mobile Computing E-Commerce Big Data and Analytics Social Networking E-Collaboration
* Judge the business opportunities presented by new and emerging technologies.
* Deploynew technologies to create and release new products.
* Use new technologies to penetrate and capture new markets.
* Harness new technologies to accelerate M&A time-to-value and add shareholder value.
* Applynew technologies to improve staff retention and productivity. Who this book is for
The Innovative CIO targets all IT leadersnot only CIOs, but also VPs and directors of IT and IT operations, datacenter managers, and all other IT leaders who aspire to advance their careers as IT-providers to business leaders. This book serves secondarily as a guide to non-IT business leaders who are alert to the ways that IT can boost their abilities to innovate, to turbocharge their products, services, and processes, and to compete nimbly in fast-changing markets. Table of Contents Innovation Matters Stories from the Trenches Innovation Is Not the Only I Business Innovation vs.IT Innovation Pull and Push Opportunities to Innovate Today Innovating with Consumer-Driven IT Opportunities to Innovate Tomorrow Making Innovation Intentional Connecting IT Innovation with Business Value The Dirty Little Secrets of IT Innovation What's Next for Me? Summary
Andi Mann is Vice President of Strategic Solutions at CA Technologies. With over 20 years experience across four continents, Andi has deep expertise of enterprise software on cloud, mainframe, midrange, server and desktop systems. Andi has worked within IT departments for governments and corporations, from small businesses to global multinationals; with several large enterprise software vendors; and as a leading industry analyst advising enterprises, governments, and IT vendors from startups to the worlds largest companies. He has been widely published including in the New York Times, USA Today, CIO, ComputerWorld, InformationWeek, and TechTarge. He has presented around the world on virtualization, cloud, automation, and IT management, at events such as Gartner ITxpo, VMworld, CA World, Interop, Cloud Computing Expo, SAPPHIRE, Citrix Synergy, Cloud Slam, and others. Andi is a co-author of Visible Ops Private Cloud and The Innovative CIO. He blogs at Andi Mann bergeek (, and tweets as @AndiMann.