New Therapeutic Agents In Thrombosis And Thrombolysis, Revised And Expanded
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New Therapeutic Agents In Thrombosis And Thrombolysis, Revised And Expanded

New Therapeutic Agents In Thrombosis And Thrombolysis, Revised And Expanded


:NT$ 8450 元
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Richard M. Jay and William H. Geerts
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin in the Pediatric Population
Manuela Albisetti and Maureen Andrew
New Indications for Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins
Omer Iqbal, Debra A. Hoppensteadt, Sarfraz Ahmad, Harry L. Messmore, and Jawed Fareed
Clinical Use of Argatroban
Bruce E. Lewis and Jeanine M. Walenga
Hirudin for Acute Coronary Syndromes
John W. Eikelboom, Shamir R. Mehta, and Salim Yusuf
Clinical Development of Bivalirudin
Robert A. Harrington and John M. Maraganore
Development of a Synthetic Heparin Pentasaccharide as an Antithrombotic Agent
Jeanine M.Walenga, Walter P. Jeske, Jawed Fareed, and M. Michel Samama
Oral-Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
Mark A. Crowther
Orally Active Heparin
Graham F. Pineo, Russell D. Hull, and Victor J. Marder
Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor: Potential Implications in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disorders Debra A. Hoppensteadt, Jawed Fareed, and Brigitte Kaiser Modulation of the Protein C Pathway as a Therapy for Thrombosis
Charles T. Esmon
Soluble Thrombomodulin
Mitsunobu Mohri

New Antiplatelet Agents

Overview: Antiplatelet Therapy
Robert P. Giugliano, Shaker A. Mousa, and James T. Willerson
Deepak L. Bhatt and A. Michael Lincoff
Eptifibatide: A Potent Inhibitor of the Platelet Receptor Integrin, Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
J. Conor O'Shea, James E. Tcheng, Robert A. Harrington, and Robert M. Califf
Tirofiban: A Paradigm for 'Small-Molecule' Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Antagonists?
John K. French and Harvey D. White
Procoagulant Activities of Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Blockers
Karlheinz Peter and Christoph Bode
Inhibitors of von Willebrand Factor Binding to Platelet Glycoprotein Ib
Joel L. Moake and James T. Willerson
Thienopyridines: Ticlopidine and Clopidogrel
Peter J. Sharis and Joseph Loscalzo
Oral Antiplatelet Therapies Beyond Aspirin and Thienopyridines
Shaker A. Mousa, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos, and Robert Giugliano
New Thrombolytic Agents

Overview of New Therapeutic Agents
Marc Verstraete
Clinical and Preclinical Profile of the Novel Recombinant Plasminogen Activator Reteplase
Michael Waller, Steven Mack, Ulrich Martin, and Paul A. Minella
Tenectaplase: Biochemistry, Pharmacology, and Clinical Experience
Edward R. McCluskey,Canio J. Refino, Thomas F. Zioncheck, and Richard Y. Chin
Robert P. Giugliano
Monteplase: Pharmacological and Clinical Experience
Chuichi Kawai and Suguru Suzuki
Pharmacological Action of and Clinical Experience with Pamiteplase, a Novel, Modified, Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator
Tomihisa Kawasaki, Masanori Suzuki, Masao Katoh, and Kohki Hayamizu
Recombinant, Glycosylated Prourokinase: Preclinical and Clinical Studies
Gregory A. Schulz, R. Bruce Credo, Debra A. Schuerr, Sandra E. Burke, Jack Henkin and Bruce A. Wallin
A Mutant Form of Prourokinase That Spares Hemostatic Fibrin
Victor Gurewich and Jian-ning Liu
Recombinant Staphylokinase for Thrombolytic Therapy
Peter Sinnaeve, H. Roger Lijnen, and Désiré Collen
Desmodus rotundus (Vampire Bat) Plasminogen Activator DSPAa1: A Superior Thrombolytic Created by Evolution
Wolf-Dieter Schleuning and Peter Donner
Christopher F. Toombs
In Vitro and In Vivo Models to Investigate Clot Lysis and Thrombolysis
Jean Marie Stassen
Thrombolysis and Ultrasound
Charles W. Francis and Valentina Suchkova

Epilogue: The Management of Thrombotic and Cardiovascular Disorders in the 21st Century
Jawed Fareed and Debra A. Hoppensteadt

Presents new chapters discussing the latest research on low-molecular-weight heparins, as well as agents such as pentasaccharide, TFP1, soluble thrombomodulin, and alfimeprase.

Completely revised and expanded throughout, New Therapeutic Agents in Thrombosis and Thrombolysis details strategies to
  • target conventional and recently characterized pathways of hemostasis
  • minimize the prothrombotic function of activated platelets
  • assess the biochemical and pharmacological effects of antithrombotic agents
    and discusses
  • the use of animal models for determination of antithrombotic drug efficacy
  • antithrombotic therapy as a key component of cardiovascular disease management
  • the management of thromboembolic events in children and pregnant women
    Supplemented with more than 2000 contemporary references, New Therapeutic Agents in Thrombosis and Thrombolysis is an authoritative source for cardiologists, internists, primary care physicians,vascular medicine specialists, cardiovascular and vascular surgeons, hematologists, pulmonologists, critical care physicians, pharmacologists, pharmaceutical researchers, and fellows, residents, and graduate and medical school students in these disciplines.
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