Handbook of Development Economics
替代書名:Handbook of Development Economics
出版社:Elsevier Science Ltd
作者:Jere R. Behrman (EDT); T. N. Srinivasan (EDT)
規格:24.8cm*17.8cm*3.8cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 8250 元若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。
For this Handbook authors known to have different views regarding the nature of development economics have been selected. The Handbook is organised around the implications of different sets of assumptions and their associated research programs. It is divided into three volumes, each with three parts which focus on the broad processes of development.
This third volume of theHandbook of Development Economics employs rigorous theoretical and empirical frameworks. It focuses on policy and includes material from unpublished and not generally available sources. In particular, it covers analytical and policy issues arising from the collapse of the paradigm of development based on import-substituting-industrialization in most developing countries; and the demise of centrally planned economies of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. The volume also deals with the increasing recognition of the importance of micro behavioral responses to a range of incentives and unobserved factors both for analysis and for policy formulation. It discusses the ongoing process of economic reforms in developing countries by reducing state involvement in the economy through privatization, opening up the economy much more to foreign trade and investment and allowing market forces
and the private sector to guide resource allocation to a much greater extent. As well as updating developments on topics which were included in the earlier volumes, this Handbook also includes different topics, such as econometric and other empirical modeling tools for development analysis and the role of technology in the development process.
As in the previous volumes of the series, the chapters in this Handbook provide self-contained surveys summarizing not only received knowledge but also recent developments. Each chapter is also a definitive source, reference and teaching supplement for use by researchers and advanced graduate students.
This third volume of the
and the private sector to guide resource allocation to a much greater extent. As well as updating developments on topics which were included in the earlier volumes, this Handbook also includes different topics, such as econometric and other empirical modeling tools for development analysis and the role of technology in the development process.
As in the previous volumes of the series, the chapters in this Handbook provide self-contained surveys summarizing not only received knowledge but also recent developments. Each chapter is also a definitive source, reference and teaching supplement for use by researchers and advanced graduate students.
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