Digital Humanities and the Study of Intermediality in Comparative Cultural Studies
世界遺產之旅11~20冊 套書(共十冊)

Digital Humanities and the Study of Intermediality in Comparative Cultural Studies

Digital Humanities and the Study of Intermediality in Comparative Cultural Studies


:NT$ 2397 元
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The study of “intermediality” explores the exchangeability of expressive means and aesthetic conventions between different art and media forms, a trend amplified and enabled by the digital age. It has become a powerful structuring concept in digital humanities, where traditional boundaries between disciplines as well as genres are being eroded. Contributors to this volume discuss the concepts of intermediality and digital humanities from a range of theoretical perspectives. While in the humanities, generally, there is continued focus on traditional textuality, this up-to-date collection demonstrates the explosive potential of new forms of hypermedia studies to transform our understanding of a range of genres.

Contents: Literary Studies from Hermeneutics to Media Culture Studies; (Inter)mediality and the Study of Literature; Discourses and Models of Intermediality; Intermediality and Aesthetic Theory in Shklovsky's and Adorno's Thought; Intermediality, Translation, Comparative Literature, and World Literature; Making Sense of the Digital as Embodied Experience; The Metaphysics of Electronic Being; Video Games as Equipment for Living; Dialogue between Meaning Systems in Intermedial Texts; Intermediality and Human vs. Machine Translation; Intermediality, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy; Race and Gender Representations in Advertising in Cable Cartoon Programming; An Intermedial Reading of Paley's Sita Sings the Blues; Aesthetics, Nationalism, and the Image of Woman in Modern Indian Art; Towards a Multimodal Analysis of da Rimini's Dollspace; Intermedial Representations in Asian Macbeth-s; Innovation and Multimedia in the Poetry of cummings and Mayakovsky; Intermediality, Rewriting Histories, and Identities in French Rap; Intermediality as Cultural Literacy and Teaching the Graphic Novel; Comics and the Graphic Novel in Spain and Iberian Galicia; Qu(e)erying Comic Book Culture and Representations of Sexuality in Wonder Woman; Digital Media, 419, and the Politics of the Global Network; Media Icons of War and the Instrumentalization of Images in US-American Media; Political Deliberation and E-Participation in Policy-Making; Digital Humanities in Developed and Emerging Markets; Intermediality, Architecture, and the Politics of Urbanity; Intersubjectivity and Intermediality in the Work of Serra; Digital Humanities and a Case Study of (Inter)medial Participation; Bibliography for Work in Intermediality and Digital Humanities.


Steven Totosy de Zepetnek's areas of scholarship include (comparative) literature and cultural studies, comparative media and communication studies, and postcolonial studies. His PhD in Comparative Literature is from the University of Alberta. He has published over 200 articles and many books in the broad area of comparative cultural studies and is editor of CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, the pioneering online-only journal published since 1998, and series editor of the Comparative Cultural Studies series of monographs published by Purdue University Press.






定價:100 2397



