Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis

Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis


:NT$ 7800 元
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Building on the success of previous editions, Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis: Seventh Edition expands and revises its coverage to provide the latest information on the newest techniques, such as cavity ringdown spectroscopy and LIBS. This book features details on XRD and its uses in materials analysis as well as additional material on surface analysis. Application chapters focus on the analysis of nanomaterials and chemical and biological warfare agents; in particular, these chapters discuss hyphenates techniques for these materials (like LCMS, GCMS, and LC-ICPMS). The text integrates experiments and problem sets, including those requiring the use of spreadsheet programs such as Excel.


James W. Robinson earned his B.Sc. (Hons), PhD, and D.Sc. from the University of Birmingham, England. He is professor emeritus of chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, he is the author of 250 professional papers, book chapters, and several books including Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and Atomic Spectroscopy, first and second editions. He was editor in chief of Spectroscopy Letters and the Journal of Environmental Science and Health (both Marcel Dekker, Inc.); executive editor of Handbook of Spectroscopy Vol. 1 – 1974, Vol. 2 – 1974, Vol. 3 – 1981; and Practical Handbook of Spectroscopy— 1991 (all CRC Press). He served on the National University Accreditation Committee from 1970-1971. He was a visiting distinguished professor at University of Colorado – 1972 and University of Sydney, Australia – 1975. He served as the Gordon Conference Chairman in Analytical Chemistry – 1974.

Eileen M. Skelly Frame heads a private consulting company, Full Spectrum Analytical Consultants and is Adjunct Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. Dr. Skelly Frame has extensive industrial experience in the use of instrumental analysis to characterize a wide variety of substances, from biological samples and cosmetics to high-temperature superconductors, polymers, metals, and alloys. She is a member of the American Chemical Society and ASTM International. Dr. Skelly Frame earned her BS in chemistry from Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and her PhD in analytical chemistry from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.

George M. Frame II is a retired scientific director, Chemical Biomonitoring Section of the Wadsworth Laboratory, New York State Department of Health, Albany and is a private consultant. He has a wide range of experience in analytical chemistry and has worked at GE Corporate R&D Center, Pfizer Central Research, U.S. Coast Guard R&D Center, Maine Medical Center, and in the United States Air Force Biomedical Sciences Corps. He is a member of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Frame earned his AB in chemistry from Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and his PhD in analytical chemistry from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.







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