The Mobile Commerce Revolution ― How to Capitalize on the Intersection of Mobile Marketing and Digital Commerce
系列名:Que Biz-tech
出版社:Pearson P T R
作者:Tim Hayden
Mobile commerce has reached and passed its tipping point: more than 50% of the U.S. population now owns smartphones. But mobile commerce is about much more than just the "location-based strategies" covered in other books on the topic. The Mobile Commerce Revolution covers everything you need to know to capitalize on this immense new opportunity — from infrastructure to culture, strategy to tactics. Authored by Edelman SVP for Mobile Strategy Tim Hayden, one of the field’s pioneering thought leaders, this actionable guide is packed with brand-new case studies from both small businesses and large brands. Hayden shares his immense experience to help you:
- Capture rapidly shifting end-user behavior in your mobile marketing plans
- Effectively integrate mobile with your existing media and business operations
- Implement the right infrastructure, and evolve it to reflect emerging trends
- Make the internal cultural changes required to fully leverage the mobile commerce opportunity
- Understand the new playing field of carriers, device OEMs, developers, and agencies
- Discover which mobile tactics are actually influencing marketing/purchase behavior
- Identify crucial regional differences, generational behaviors, and usage patterns
- Preview the future of mobile commerce and mobile payments, from NFC/RFID to retinal scans and augmented reality
- Leverage powerful savings and efficiencies that go way beyond smartphones and tablets – including digital smart signage, customer service/CRM systems, point-of-sale solutions, and in-home/in-store systems
Along the way, Hayden presents incisive interviews with pioneers in mobile technology innovation, from Foursquare founder Dennis Crowley to Invodo’s Jim Keeler, the former CTO if AT&T Wi-Fi Services. If you’re making decisions about mobile commerce, no other guide offers as much expert, actionable insight.