Business in Emerging Latin America

Business in Emerging Latin America


:NT$ 7650 元
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Business in Emerging Latin America provides students with a comprehensive overview of the business environment of this emerging, dynamic region.

Driven by expanding domestic markets and exports of natural resource commoditites, Latin America has recently come into focus as an economic force in the international arena. The book begins at the macro level, focusing on the region’s geo-political, technological, social, competitive, and economic environments. It then moves to the micro level, illustrating that Latin America is a mosaic of countries with distinct cultures and political economies. This book aims to:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the business environment in this region
  • Identify major drivers of emerging market expansion
  • Analyze the strategies of companies both within and outside of the region

The book includes examples and cases from across the region, as well as chapters on entrepreneurship, leadership, HRM, sustainability, income inequality, social responsibility and transparency. Capturing the dynamism of this region, the book will appeal to students of international business who have a special interest in Latin America.


Fernando Robles is Professor of International Business and International Relations at the School of Business at The George Washington University, USA. Dr. Robles's research and consulting experience is in Global Marketing and Regional Marketing Strategies. His book Winning Strategies for the New Latin Markets has been categorized as pioneering work in the field of international business. His articles have appeared in many academic and professional journals, including The Journal of International Business Studies, International Journal of Business and Management, International Marketing Review, and Latin American Business Review, and he has made many contributions to books in Global and International Marketing. He serves on the editorial boards of Academia, Management Decision and Journal of Asia Pacific Business.

Nila M. Wiese is the Director of the Business Leadership Program and is Associate Professor of International Business at the University of Puget Sound, USA. Dr. Wiese has lived and worked in Latin America. She has over twenty years’ experience consulting, teaching, and doing research on the region. Her main research interests are in the areas of small business development, base of the pyramid markets, and leadership. She holds a masters degree in International Management from Baylor University, and a doctorate in Marketing from the University of Oregon.

Gladys Torres-Baumgarten is Associate Professor of Marketing and International Business at the Anisfield School of Business at Ramapo College of New Jersey, USA. Her research interests focus largely on emerging market regions and she has written several articles on Latin America for academic journals, including the Journal of Business Ethics and the Journal of Global Business and Technology. She has also contributed articles to marketing and management journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, as well as a chapter on multinational advertising agencies in Latin America to the book Advertising in Developing and Emerging Economies, ed. Emmanuel Alozie. She has an MBA in Marketing from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and a Ph.D. in International Business from Rutgers University.







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