1 打招呼與話家常 Greetings & Small Talk
1-1 打招呼的說法Greetings
1-2 你還好嗎?How Do You Feel?
1-3 你今天過得好嗎?Talking About Your Day
1-4 閒聊寒暄Small Talk
1-5 介紹自己或別人Introductions
1-6 介紹家人與親戚Introducing Family and Relatives
1-7 送上節日的祝福Holiday Greetings
1-8 如何說再見Hitting the Road
2 日常生活與消費 Expressions for Daily Life
2-1 日常生活要做的事Daily Routines
2-2 幫忙去跑腿Running Errands
2-3 使用電子產品Electronics
2-4 用英語話四季The Four Seasons
2-5 天氣觀測站The Weather
2-6 有趣的實用語集錦Practical Idioms
2-7 在超級市場買東西At the Supermarket
2-8 身體不舒服的時候When You Are Sick
2-9 看醫生An Appointment with a Doctor
2-10 在學校裡At School
2-11 校園生活School Life
2-12 教室裡的談話Classroom English
2-13 課堂上的活動Classroom Activities
2-14 面試英語Interview English
2-15 買賣東西的說法Buying and Selling Things
2-16 跟金錢有關的說法Talking About Money
3 食衣住行 Eating and Traveling
3-1 上館子Eating Out
3-2 在餐廳裡In a Restaurant
3-3 常用的餐廳英語English for Dining in a Restaurant
3-4 速食店用餐Going to a Fast Food Restaurant
3-5 血拼買衣服(一)Shopping for Clothes (1)
3-6 血拼買衣服(二)Shopping for Clothes (2)
3-7 在家裡At Home
3-8 家事一籮筐Doing Housework
3-9 在旅館或飯店住宿Staying at a Hotel
3-10 問路報方向Asking for and Giving Directions
3-11 計程車英語English for Taking Taxis
3-12 搭乘交通工具Transportation
3-13 在機場裡At the Airport
3-14 在飛機上On an Airplane
4 休閒活動 Leisure Activities
4-1 室內活動Indoor Activities
4-2 戶外活動Outdoor Activities
4-3 在圖書館At the Library
4-4 使用電腦Using a Computer
4-5 大家來拍照Taking Pictures
4-6 來去看電影!Going to the Movies
4-7 購物英語English for Shopping
4-8 觀光及購買紀念品Sightseeing & Shopping for Souvenirs
4-9 運動英語English for Sports
4-10 比賽和競賽Contests and Competitions
5 人的情緒與特徵Emotions and Personal Characteristics
5-1 表達你的情緒Talking About Your Feelings
5-2 倒楣的一天Having a Bad Day
5-3 當你抓狂時When You’re Angry
5-4 不可置信時要這麼說Surprise and Disbelief
5-5 形容某人的說法Describing Someone
5-6 人的特徵與個性Appearance and Personality
6 溝通與往來 Social Interaction
6-1 電話英語Telephone English
6-2 邀請和回覆的說法Invitations
6-3 讚美別人這樣說Giving Compliments
6-4 鼓勵與責備Encouragement and Blame
6-5 我的希望和夢想Hopes and Wishes
6-6 藉口一籮筐Making Excuses
6-7 謝謝你的幫忙Thanks for Your Help!
6-8 安慰別人的說法Making Someone Feel Better
6-9 當心情不好時Being Sad
6-10 你聽懂了嗎?Do You Understand What I Mean?
6-11 幫人出主意Offering Ideas
6-12 你同不同意?Agree or Disagree
6-13 表達你的意願Saying Yes/No
6-14 誤會大了When Someone Misunderstands
6-15 抱怨二三事Complaining
6-16 說秘密和聊八卦Secrets and Gossip
6-17 借還物品Borrowing and Lending
6-18 和討人厭的傢伙打交道Dealing with Rude People