Ordinary Differential Geometry ― From Calculus to Dynamical Systems
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Ordinary Differential Geometry ― From Calculus to Dynamical Systems

Ordinary Differential Geometry ― From Calculus to Dynamical Systems


:NT$ 3900 元
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This book presents a modern treatment of material traditionally covered in the sophomore-level course in ordinary differential equations. While this course is usually required for engineering students the material is attractive to students in any field of applied science, including those in the biological sciences.The standard analytic methods for solving first and second-order differential equations are covered in the first three chapters. Numerical and graphical methods are considered, side-by-side with the analytic methods, and are then used throughout the text. An early emphasis on the graphical treatment of autonomous first-order equations leads easily into a discussion of bifurcation of solutions with respect to parameters.The book is aimed at students with a good calculus background that want to learn more about how calculus is used to solve real problems in today's world. It can be used as a text for the introductory differential equations course, and is readable enough to be used even if the class is being "flipped." The book is also accessible as a self-study text for anyone who has completed two terms of calculus, including highly motivated high school students. Graduate students preparing to take courses in dynamical systems theory will also find this text useful


V.W. Noonburg, better known by her middle name Anne, has enjoyed a somewhat varied professional career. It began with a B.A. in mathematics from Cornell University, followed by a four-year stint as a computer programmer at the knolls Atomic Power Lab near Schenectady, New York. After returning to Cornell and earning a Ph.D. in mathematics, she taught first at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and then at the University of Hartford in West Hartford, Connecticut (from which she has recently retired as professor emerita). During the late 1980s she twice taught as a visiting professor at Cornell, and also earned a Cornell M.S. Eng. degree in computer science.It was during the first sabbatical at Cornell that she was fortunate to meet John Hubbard and Beverly West as they were working on a mold-breaking book on differential equations (Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach, Part I, Springer Verlag, 1990). She also had the good fortune to be able to sit in on a course given by John Guckenheimer and Philip Holmes, in which they were using their newly written book on dynamical systems (Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields, Springer-Verlag, 1983). All of this, together with being one of the initial members of the C-ODE-E group founded by Bob Borrelli and Courtney Coleman at Harvey Mudd College, led to a lasting interest in the learning and teaching of ordinary differential equations. This book is the result.






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