The Eurozone Crisis and the Transformation of Eu Governance ― Internal and External Implications

The Eurozone Crisis and the Transformation of Eu Governance ― Internal and External Implications


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Research on European governance is central to understanding both the process of European integration and its external influence as a laboratory for multilateralism. This volume focuses on the impact of the recent Eurozone crisis and its far-reaching implications for European governance both inside and outside the EU borders. Ideal for classroom use, this volume covers: I. European modes of governance: concepts, recent trends and international implications with chapters by Lefkofridi & Schmitter, Cini, Borrs and Radaelli. II. The transformation of European economic governance with contributions by Fabbrini, Stoffas, Collignon, Eising, Rasch and Rozbicka. III. The transformation of European social policy governance with Goetschy, Hemerijck, de la Porte and Heins. IV. The international implications of the transformation of EU governance highlighted by Rodrigues, Xiarchogiannopoulou and MA?gge


Maria Joa??o Rodrigues is Professor of European Economic Policies at the Institute for European Studies, Universite Libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB) and the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL). She was minister of employment in Portugal and developed a European career since then. Known as the 'mother of the Lisbon Strategy', she has been special adviser to the European Commission, several EU Presidencies and national governments. By chairing several EU high-level groups and preparing European Council meetings over the last fifteen years, she has been involved in the design and implementation of several EU policies: the strategy for growth and jobs and the economic and social policies, the Lisbon Treaty negotiation, the Erasmus Programme and the New Skills for New Jobs Initiative, the strategic partnerships with China, Brazil, South Africa and USA and more recently, the Eurozone crisis. She was the chair of the Advisory Group for socio-economic sciences in the European Commission in charge of preparing the 7th Framework Research Programme, has many publications including ten books and delivered many conferences in and outside Europe. She is also Member of the Advisory Board of the European Policy Centre (Brussels) and of the Governing Board of Notre Europe (Paris). Maria holds three Mastera€?s degrees and a PhD in economics from the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, as well as a Degree in Sociology from the University of Lisbon. Among several national awards, she got LAcgion da€?Honneur at Officier grade in France. Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute for European Studies, UniversitAc Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Previously she worked at the European Institute, London School of Economics. Her current research focuses on social conditionality in EUa€?s external trade policy and the EU/ILO relations in the area of flexicurity. Her broader research interests include discursive institutionalism, diffusion, external/internal Europeanization, EU governance, Greek politics and Greek pension reform.







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