The Routledge Handbook of White Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe

The Routledge Handbook of White Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe


:NT$ 11970 元
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The study of white-collar crime remains a central concern for criminologists around the world and research concentrates on its nature, prevalence, causes and responses. However, most books on white-collar crime tend to focus on Anglo-American examples, which is surprising given the amount of rich data and research taking place in mainland Europe. This new handbook seeks to reset the balance and, for the first time, presents an overview of state-of-the-art research on white collar crime in Europe.

Adding to the existing Anglo-American body of knowledge, the Handbook will discuss specific European topics and typical European features of white-collar crime. The Routledge Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe consists of more than thirty chapters on topics ranging from the Icelandic Banking Crisis, to the origins of the study of white collar crime, to contemporary topics, such as white-collar crime in countries post-transition from communist regimes; the illegal e-waste trade and white-collar crime in professional football. Furthermore, the book contains extensive case study analyses of landmark European cases of white-collar crime.

The editors have gathered together the leading voices in the field and a final section offers commentaries on white-collar crime in Europe from eminent criminologists David Friedrichs and Hazel Croall. This Handbook will thus serve as a work of reference for all scholars and students engaged in the study of corporate and white-collar crime and will also set out directions for new research in the future.


Judith van Erp specializes in regulation and governance of corporate and white-collar crime. She published extensively on naming and shaming corporate offenders by regulatory authorities and the role of the media in exposing white-collar crime. Judith teaches a course on Financial Economic Crime in the master’s programme in Criminology at Erasmus School of Law and is the co-chair of the European Society of Criminology’s Working Group on Organizational Crime, as well as the co-chair of the Collaborative Research Network on Regulation & Governance of the Law and Society Association.

Wim Huisman specializes in prevalence and causes of corporate and white-collar crime. Recently, he published on corporate crime and economic crisis, corporate involvement in gross human rights violations, environmental crime, food fraud and corporate crime theory. He teaches a course on White-collar Crime in the master’s programme in Criminology at VU School of Criminology and is the co-chair of the European Society of Criminology’s Working Group on Organizational Crime, as well as editor of the Netherlands Journal of Criminology.

Gudrun Vande Walle has worked on integrity and anti-corruption policy and on victimization and conflict resolution in relation to corporate crime. She recently exchanged academic research for the practice of investigation and prosecution of Economic and Financial crime for the Belgian public prosecutor. Gudrun teaches a course on Governance and Ethics in the Master Public Administration and Public Management at Ghent University and is member of the research unit "Government and Law" at University of Antwerp. She is co-chair of the European Society of Criminology’s Working Group on Organizational Crime.





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