Marketing That Works ─ How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any Sized Company

Marketing That Works ─ How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any Sized Company


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Discover new entrepreneurial marketing strategies and techniques for supercharging profits now, and sustaining long-term competitive advantage!Marketing That Works, Second Edition delivers high-value, low-cost marketing solutions that fully leverage today's newest trends, channels, and market opportunities. Based on The Wharton School's pioneering Entrepreneurial Marketing, this edition adds nearly 50% new coverage – highlighting new companies that are redefining marketing today, and illuminating emerging approaches to securing resources and promoting your offers.

You'll discover powerful new best practices for social, PR, promotion, advertising, and much more: techniques for getting closer to your customer, reducing acquisition and retention costs, reinforcing positioning and differentiation, and much more. Four cutting-edge marketers present new or extensively revised coverage of:

  • Social media and network externalities (Facebook, Twitter, Waze, Vendop, Dropbox)
  • Advanced social marketing techniques (Fab, Uber, DogVacay)
  • Localization and micromarketing (
  • How to leverage your customer's mass migration to mobile
  • Marketing-enabled sales, and the cultivation of customer relationships and communities (MetricStream, Regalix)
  • Virality: how you can develop messages that desperately "want" to spread
  • Marketing to the consumerized enterprise
  • New approaches to increasing customer retention and strengthening lock in (Amazon Prime, Quidsi,
  • Financing your marketing: cost effective ways to establish value, including crowdfunding (Pebble), Lean Startup, for quickly building and testing concepts and companies, and accelerators (Y Combinator, DreamIt)

To help you systematically optimize your marketing investments,Marketing That Works, Second Edition integrates Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) benchmark metrics throughout.

Whatever your size, wherever you compete, this guide will help you grow sales and profits, strengthen your brand, anddrive more value from every dime you spend on marketing.


LEONARD LODISH, PH.D. (Philadelphia, PA Area) is Samuel R. Harrell Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School. He is co-founder and Chair of Wharton's Global Consulting Practicum, and innovator of Wharton's MBA Entrepreneurial Marketing course. His research specialties include marketing decision support systems, marketing experimentation, and entrepreneurial marketing. He has consulted with clients ranging from Procter & Gamble and Anheuser-Busch to Tropicana and ConAgra.

(Greater New York City Area, NY) is Director and former Vice Chairman of Idealab, the pioneering internet incubator; and founder and partner in First Round Capital, an early stage venture capital firm. He has served as Professor of Decision Sciences at The Wharton School and Professor of Computer and Information Sciences at The Moore School of the University of Pennsylvania, and as Visiting Professor at the California Institute of Technology and Harvard Business School.

SHELLYE ARCHAMBEAU (San Francisco Bay Area, CA) is CEO of Metricstream, Inc., a recognized leader in compliance and governance. She previously served as CMO and EVP of Sales for Loudcloud, Inc., responsible for all global sales and marketing activities. There, she led Loudcloud's transformation into an enterprise-focused company while growing sales by 50 percent year over year. As President of Blockbuster, Inc.'s e-commerce division, she was recognized by Internet World as one of the nation's Top 25 click and mortar executives.

JEFFREY BABIN (Philadelphia, PA area) has 25+ years of experience practicing, teaching, and consulting on innovation for organizations ranging from FortuneR 500 clients and emerging companies to universities. He is managing director and founder of Antiphony Partners, LLC, a strategy consulting firm that helps companies create sustainable value through innovation. He previously founded Corporate Technology Ventures, growing it into one of the nation's premier medical software publishers. He is now senior lecturer and associate director in Engineering Entrepreneurship at the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) and is senior project advisor and Australia, India, and Israel country manager for the Wharton Global Consulting Practicum, both at the University of Pennsylvania. Babin is Wharton Venture Initiation Program advisor, an entrepreneurial fellow for the Weiss Tech House, and founding member of the Mid-Atlantic Angel Group Fund.







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