Mathematical Control Theory ― Behavioral Systems and Robust Control

Mathematical Control Theory ― Behavioral Systems and Robust Control


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This treatment of modern topics related to mathematical systems theory forms the proceedings of a workshop, Mathematical Systems Theory: From Behaviors to Nonlinear Control, held at the University of Groningen in July 2015. The workshop celebrated the work of Professors Arjan van der Schaft and Harry Trentelman, honouring their 60th Birthdays.

The second volume of this two-volume work covers a variety of topics related to behavioral systems and robust control. After giving a detailed account of the state-of the art in the related topic, each chapter presents new results and discusses new directions. As such, this volume provides a broad picture of the theory of behavioral systems and robust control for scientists and engineers with an interest in the interdisciplinary field of systems and control theory. The reader will benefit from the expert participants’ ideas on exciting new approaches to control and system theory and their predictions of future directions for the subject that were discussed at the workshop.


Madhu N. Belur received the B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India in 1997. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands in 2003. He was a Junior Engineer in Tata Motors, Pune, India during the years 1997 and 1998. He joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in 2003, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His teaching and research interests include algorithms in dissipative systems theory, behavioral approach to control, impulse elimination in dynamical systems, graph theoretic methods in structural controllability and electrical network theory. He also pursues numerical linear algebra problems in control like perturbation/distance problems. He has dealt with applications of control theory for active queue management of internet routers and for decentralized control of voltage source inverters. He has more than 50 papers in reputed international journals and conferences. He has been on the organizing committees of various international and Indian national conferences.
Kanat Camlibel received the Ph.D. degree in mathematical theory of systems and control from Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, in 2001. Currently, he is affiliated with Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, where he served as an Assistant Professor between 2007 and 2013. From 2001 to 2007, he held Post-Doctoral/Assistant Professor positions with the University of Groningen, Tilburg University, and Eindhoven Technical University, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. His research interests include differential variational inequalities, complementarity problems, optimization, piecewise affine dynamical systems, switched linear systems, constrained linear systems, multi-agent systems, model reduction, and geometric theory of linear systems. Dr. Camlibel has published 40 journal articles and 60 conference articles. He has served as an Associate Editor for International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control for several years and currently is an Associate Editor for SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization and Systems & Control Letters. Dr. Camlibel serves as an Associate Editor also for a number of conferences including IEEE Control and Decision Conference, American Control Conference, European Control Conference as well as IFACWorld Congress on Automatic Control. In addition, he served as International Program Committee member for various conferences including the 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, 12th European Control Conference, and 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems.
Paolo Rapisarda got a Laurea (M.Sc.) degree in Computer Science at the University of Udine, Italy, and a Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, working under the supervision of Jan C. Willems and Harry L. Trentelman. He has worked as a Lecturer at the Department of Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering of the University of Trieste, Italy; and at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. Currently he is Senior Lecturer at the Vision, Learning and Control group of the School of Electronics and Computer Science of the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. He is an Associate Editor for Systems and Control Letters and Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. He was chairman of the IEEE Technical Commitee on Behavioral Systems and Control Theory from 2006 to 2012. He has also served as a member of the International Program Committee for various conferences including the Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (4 editions), the IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Science (ICONS 2013), the IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modeling (MathMod 2005), and the IEEE Conferenc







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