Robot Programming ─ A Guide to Controlling Autonomous Robots

Robot Programming ─ A Guide to Controlling Autonomous Robots


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This is the first complete beginner's guide to programming and automating modern robots. Drawing on their experience teaching thousands of robotics beginners, Cameron and Tracy Hughes show how to automate robots (or teams of robots), translating your ideas into specific tasks they can perform on their own, with no remote controls.

The Beginner's Guide to Programming Robots builds your skills through four simple projects created with today's leading robot microcontrollers (ARM9 and ARM7) on leading robot platforms (LEGO Mindstorms EV3, NXT, and Wowee RS Media Robot). Step by step, you'll learn how to use modern techniques to program robot sensors, motors, and more. Along the way, you'll learn skills you can use in hardware/Maker/DIY projects on any platform, including the wildly popular low-cost Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and BeagleBone platforms. Coverage includes:

  • How robots sense and move around their surroundings
  • How to program robot sensors and motors
  • Describing tasks in a way your robot can understand
  • Programming robots to take individual actions and complete complex tasks
  • Automating robots to act autonomously
  • Persuading robots to perform more complex behaviors on their own
  • Mastering a basic Robot Automation Architecture (RAA) for automating any kind of robot
  • Programming teams of robots to share goals, communicate, and coordinate
  • Testing your robot programs
  • Testing safety and human interactions
  • Using the powerful Java language to program LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and other devices
  • Taking the next steps - including Linux, Lejos, and other programming environments


Cameron Hughes is a computer and robot programmer. He holds a post as a Software Epistemologist at Ctest Laboratories where he is currently working on A.I.M (Alternative Intelligence for Machines) & A.I.R (Alternative Intelligence for Robots) technologies. Cameron is the lead AI Engineer for the Knowledge Group at Advanced Software Construction Inc., a builder of intelligent robot controllers and software-based knowledge components. He holds a staff appointment as a Programmer/Analyst at Youngstown State University.

Tracey Hughes is a senior software and graphics programmer at Ctest Laboratories and Advanced Software Construction Inc. where she develops user interfaces and information and epistemic visualization software systems. Her work includes methods of graphically showing what robots and computers are thinking. She is on the design and implementation teams for the East-Sidaz robots at Ctest as well.


Both Cameron and Tracey Hughes are members of the advisory board for the NREF (National Robotics Education Foundation) and members of the Oak Hill Collaborative Robotics Maker Space. They are project leaders of the technical team for the NEOACM CSI/CLUE Robotics Challenge and regularly organize and direct robot programming workshops for the Arduino, Mindstorms EV3, LEGO NXT, and RS Media robot platforms. Cameron and Tracey are two of the authors of Build Your Own Teams of Robots with LEGOR MindstormsR NXT and Bluetooth, published by McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, January 2013. They have written many books and blogs on Software Development and Artificial Intelligence. They’ve also written books on multicore, multithreaded programming, Linux rapid application development, object-oriented programming, and parallel programming in C++.







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