李育菱 Iris
筆者的教學經驗中,常遇見學生對自己的英語表達能力膽膽怯怯遲遲不敢開口的狀況。告訴大家一個秘密,其實 “Everybody has all been there.” (大家都曾為此所困所擾過)。隨著資訊快速傳播,台灣學生不乏接觸正統英文的管道,舉凡電影、電視或廣播,甚至連逛大街,也都會有老外向您問路。首先,第一步就是自信(confidence)開口說,比手話腳去增強也罷,搭配基本單字的英文也要誓將任務完成!再來,就是熱忱(enthusiasm),想透過英語語言分享或表達自己給他人的熱忱。筆者著手此書的目的就是可以擔任這之間的橋樑。提供英語口說想進步的學習者充分的托福口說相關題材,以及各種英語道地口說詞彙、片語及常用句型或字彙,讓有志增進英語口說及溝通技巧的讀者們,在平時可以累積實力,普遍提昇整體英語語文能力,應考時也能有備無患的從容得高分。
透過各單元平易近人的英文小品文,讓您在閱讀不同的文化或生活風情的同時,能夠旁徵博引、觸類旁通您身邊唾手可得的各大托福口說題材,舉凡逛夜市、慢跑、登山、浪漫巴黎旅遊、藝文美術館、書香咖啡館、熱情南灣沙灘海景,甚至是挑戰我們思維的教育議題、出遊行程、大學生生活或科技網路等探討,還有真實英語系國家學校布告欄或校園生活大小事,都在此書歷歷在目的呈現。托福口說的初衷,就是希望在英語系國家的留學辛辛學子或在工作生活時,英語能力實實在在的活用在生活裡,讓您在正式踏入英語系國家生活或求學時,求學路途順利,工作或生活能短時間入境隨俗、如魚得水(feel like home)。
透過各單元平易近人的英文小品文,讓您在閱讀不同的文化或生活風情的同時,能夠旁徵博引、觸類旁通您身邊唾手可得的各大托福口說題材,舉凡逛夜市、慢跑、登山、浪漫巴黎旅遊、藝文美術館、書香咖啡館、熱情南灣沙灘海景,甚至是挑戰我們思維的教育議題、出遊行程、大學生生活或科技網路等探討,還有真實英語系國家學校布告欄或校園生活大小事,都在此書歷歷在目的呈現。托福口說的初衷,就是希望在英語系國家的留學辛辛學子或在工作生活時,英語能力實實在在的活用在生活裡,讓您在正式踏入英語系國家生活或求學時,求學路途順利,工作或生活能短時間入境隨俗、如魚得水(feel like home)。
Part 01 個人生活篇
Unit 01 個性特點 Personal Traits
Unit 02 個人興趣1 Personal Habits 1
Unit 03 個人興趣2 Personal Habits 2
Unit 04 具備能力 Required Abilities
Unit 05 未來目標 Future Goals
Unit 06 生活經驗1 Experiences 1
Unit 07 生活經驗2 Experiences 2
Unit 08 生活經驗3 Experiences 3
Part 02 獨立論述篇
Unit 09 學習方式 Learning Style
Unit 10 論述思考 Statement Discussion
Unit 11 資訊取得 Information Access
Unit 12 居住環境 Living Environment
Unit 13 價值觀念 Different Values
Unit 14 教育問題1 Education Issue 1 (Children Education 1)
Unit 15 教育問題2 Education Issue 2 (Children Education 2)
Unit 16 個人選擇【生活類】Personal Choices 1 (Entertainment)
Unit 17 個人選擇【校園類】Personal Choices 2 (On the Campus 1)
Unit 18 個人選擇【校園類】Personal Choices 3 (On the Campus 2)
Part 03 口說活用篇
Unit 19 校園生活敘述與討論 Campus Talks
Unit 20 課堂內容敘述與討論【文科】Lecture Descriptions 1
Unit 21 課堂內容敘述與討論【理科】Lecture Descriptions 2
Unit 22 課堂內容敘述與討論【工科】Lecture Descriptions 3
Unit 23 公告描述與討論1Notice Descriptions 1
Unit 24 公告描述與討論2 Notice Descriptions 2
Unit 25 公告描述與討論3 Notice Descriptions 3
Unit 26 傳單內容描述與討論 Flyer Descriptions
Unit 27 時間表描述與討論1 Timetable Descriptions 1
Unit 28 時間表描述與討論2 Timetable Descriptions 2
Unit 01 個性特點 Personal Traits
Unit 02 個人興趣1 Personal Habits 1
Unit 03 個人興趣2 Personal Habits 2
Unit 04 具備能力 Required Abilities
Unit 05 未來目標 Future Goals
Unit 06 生活經驗1 Experiences 1
Unit 07 生活經驗2 Experiences 2
Unit 08 生活經驗3 Experiences 3
Part 02 獨立論述篇
Unit 09 學習方式 Learning Style
Unit 10 論述思考 Statement Discussion
Unit 11 資訊取得 Information Access
Unit 12 居住環境 Living Environment
Unit 13 價值觀念 Different Values
Unit 14 教育問題1 Education Issue 1 (Children Education 1)
Unit 15 教育問題2 Education Issue 2 (Children Education 2)
Unit 16 個人選擇【生活類】Personal Choices 1 (Entertainment)
Unit 17 個人選擇【校園類】Personal Choices 2 (On the Campus 1)
Unit 18 個人選擇【校園類】Personal Choices 3 (On the Campus 2)
Part 03 口說活用篇
Unit 19 校園生活敘述與討論 Campus Talks
Unit 20 課堂內容敘述與討論【文科】Lecture Descriptions 1
Unit 21 課堂內容敘述與討論【理科】Lecture Descriptions 2
Unit 22 課堂內容敘述與討論【工科】Lecture Descriptions 3
Unit 23 公告描述與討論1Notice Descriptions 1
Unit 24 公告描述與討論2 Notice Descriptions 2
Unit 25 公告描述與討論3 Notice Descriptions 3
Unit 26 傳單內容描述與討論 Flyer Descriptions
Unit 27 時間表描述與討論1 Timetable Descriptions 1
Unit 28 時間表描述與討論2 Timetable Descriptions 2
Unit 01 個性特點 Personal Traits
A. 準備方向提示:
1. 此類型題目焦點為對人物特徵及個性(personal traits, personalities)的描述,平時需累積對人物特徵正面描述的形容詞彙。
2. 平時可讓自己多關心自己身邊的人事物,想想誰是身邊的貴人朋友、哪些人深深啟發自己、哪些事物陪伴成長茁壯……(how influential, inspirational or impressive things are)等,以及為什麼的主要理由。
3. 培養自己在觀賞英文電影或影集時(movies or TV shows),聽旁白對人物主角的描述(narrators' words),提供自己在於對不同人物身上,可有些啟發式的腳本,進而作為自己對遇此題目觸類旁通的描述。
B. 模擬題目 Track 01
Question: Who has the greatest influence on your life? Why? Please give specific examples to support your reasons.
My grandmother Ruth is the person who influenced me the most in my life. She is the most caring, generous, and compassionate person I ever knew. Never did I see her showing less concern and loving care to whoever she met. One day of my childhood, an old lady whom I never saw came to our house to show her gratitude for the help she got from my grandmother ten years ago. Besides, she was also energetic and hard-working as well. She assisted my grandfather with his leadership and management of the whole village: a very great and humble example she set for all of our family members to follow in life. Her faithful attitude toward the world inspires me to act with sincerity and enthusiasm towards whichever matters. If there's anyone who ever dives that deep into my life, no one can overpass her influence on me.
C. 模擬托福口說試題範文架構模型套用:
開頭 Track 02
1. My grandmother Ruth is the person who influenced me the most in my life. She is the most caring, generous, and compassionate person I ever knew. Never did I see her showing less concern and loving care to whoever she met.
→ Director Fernando is the person who influenced me the most in my life. He is the most friendly, generous, and compassionate person I ever knew. Never did I see him showing less passion and care to whoever and whatever he met and knows.
2. One day of my childhood, an old lady whom I never saw came to our house to show her gratitude for the help she got from my grandmother ten years ago.
→ When he first saw me, I was a little girl gobbling my ice cream. He told me that I was his imagination coming to life. He has a very strong faith in his movie production industry.
1. Besides, she was also energetic and hard-working as well. She assisted my grandfather with his leadership and management of the whole village: a very great example she set for all of our family members to follow in life.
→ Besides, he is also energetic and optimistic as well. He showed his genuine talent for film productions by presenting the true feelings and features of universal human nature.
2. A very great example she set for all of our family members to follow in life.
→ A very amazingly great example he set for all of us future motion industries to follow in film field.
結尾 之後再編述一項理由支持所提出的論點。可以此句在加強所景仰之人對自己的影響及幫助,間接引導至結論句。為近似所景仰之人的正面個性特質。
1. If there's anyone who ever dives that deeply into my life, no one can overpass her influence on me.
→ 將劃現部分改成考生(您)的景仰人物,女性或男性人物,最後結論句以不同方式重述重點句。此結論句為萬用型結論句:
→ If there's anyone who ever dives that deeply into my life, no one can overpass his influence on me. This kind of positive energy and optimistic attitude surely encourage me whenever I hit some bumpy roads.
D. 此類考題應考時準備筆記關鍵字:
1. 描述個人特性的正面形容詞
He or she is admirable, adventurous, caring, compassionate, intelligent, dynamic, earnest, elegant, hearty, moderate, prudent, reliable, sharing, steady, trusting, wise, understanding...
2. 個人相關成功事蹟
He or she excels in leadership, good management; he or she has run a successful business; he or she has achieved a great success in investment, academic area….
3. 彰顯所景仰人物事蹟的詞彙
appreciate, admire, impress, influence, encourage, inspire, inspirational, insightful, respectful....
E. 換句話說補一補:
My grandmother Ruth is the person who influenced me the most in my life.
1. I admire my grandmother Ruth for her deep influence on my life.
2. My grandmother Ruth has a great influence on me in life.
If there's anyone who ever dives that deeply into my life, no one can overpass her influence on me.
1. I'm doubtful anyone could dive into my life that deep like my grandmother did.
2. If I have to name someone who impacts me the most, nothing beats her royal example to me.
F. 想想看還能怎麼答:
Director Fernando has impressed me the most and inspired me a lot in many aspects of my life. When he first saw me, I was a little girl gobbling my ice cream. He told me that I was his imagination coming to life. He has very strong faith in his movie production industry. A gentleman like him with generous and friendly manners never fails in showing his genuine talent at film productions. His works present the true feelings and features of universal human nature. He used to say that the key to success is to never give up our inner childlike heart, and he believes that at certain point of time, life will shine like a supernova along the journey. This kind of positive energy and optimistic attitude surely encourages me whenever I hit some bumpy roads. Thanks to his presence, I earn more than just acting skills.
A. 準備方向提示:
1. 此類型題目焦點為對人物特徵及個性(personal traits, personalities)的描述,平時需累積對人物特徵正面描述的形容詞彙。
2. 平時可讓自己多關心自己身邊的人事物,想想誰是身邊的貴人朋友、哪些人深深啟發自己、哪些事物陪伴成長茁壯……(how influential, inspirational or impressive things are)等,以及為什麼的主要理由。
3. 培養自己在觀賞英文電影或影集時(movies or TV shows),聽旁白對人物主角的描述(narrators' words),提供自己在於對不同人物身上,可有些啟發式的腳本,進而作為自己對遇此題目觸類旁通的描述。
B. 模擬題目 Track 01
Question: Who has the greatest influence on your life? Why? Please give specific examples to support your reasons.
My grandmother Ruth is the person who influenced me the most in my life. She is the most caring, generous, and compassionate person I ever knew. Never did I see her showing less concern and loving care to whoever she met. One day of my childhood, an old lady whom I never saw came to our house to show her gratitude for the help she got from my grandmother ten years ago. Besides, she was also energetic and hard-working as well. She assisted my grandfather with his leadership and management of the whole village: a very great and humble example she set for all of our family members to follow in life. Her faithful attitude toward the world inspires me to act with sincerity and enthusiasm towards whichever matters. If there's anyone who ever dives that deep into my life, no one can overpass her influence on me.
C. 模擬托福口說試題範文架構模型套用:
開頭 Track 02
1. My grandmother Ruth is the person who influenced me the most in my life. She is the most caring, generous, and compassionate person I ever knew. Never did I see her showing less concern and loving care to whoever she met.
→ Director Fernando is the person who influenced me the most in my life. He is the most friendly, generous, and compassionate person I ever knew. Never did I see him showing less passion and care to whoever and whatever he met and knows.
2. One day of my childhood, an old lady whom I never saw came to our house to show her gratitude for the help she got from my grandmother ten years ago.
→ When he first saw me, I was a little girl gobbling my ice cream. He told me that I was his imagination coming to life. He has a very strong faith in his movie production industry.
1. Besides, she was also energetic and hard-working as well. She assisted my grandfather with his leadership and management of the whole village: a very great example she set for all of our family members to follow in life.
→ Besides, he is also energetic and optimistic as well. He showed his genuine talent for film productions by presenting the true feelings and features of universal human nature.
2. A very great example she set for all of our family members to follow in life.
→ A very amazingly great example he set for all of us future motion industries to follow in film field.
結尾 之後再編述一項理由支持所提出的論點。可以此句在加強所景仰之人對自己的影響及幫助,間接引導至結論句。為近似所景仰之人的正面個性特質。
1. If there's anyone who ever dives that deeply into my life, no one can overpass her influence on me.
→ 將劃現部分改成考生(您)的景仰人物,女性或男性人物,最後結論句以不同方式重述重點句。此結論句為萬用型結論句:
→ If there's anyone who ever dives that deeply into my life, no one can overpass his influence on me. This kind of positive energy and optimistic attitude surely encourage me whenever I hit some bumpy roads.
D. 此類考題應考時準備筆記關鍵字:
1. 描述個人特性的正面形容詞
He or she is admirable, adventurous, caring, compassionate, intelligent, dynamic, earnest, elegant, hearty, moderate, prudent, reliable, sharing, steady, trusting, wise, understanding...
2. 個人相關成功事蹟
He or she excels in leadership, good management; he or she has run a successful business; he or she has achieved a great success in investment, academic area….
3. 彰顯所景仰人物事蹟的詞彙
appreciate, admire, impress, influence, encourage, inspire, inspirational, insightful, respectful....
E. 換句話說補一補:
My grandmother Ruth is the person who influenced me the most in my life.
1. I admire my grandmother Ruth for her deep influence on my life.
2. My grandmother Ruth has a great influence on me in life.
If there's anyone who ever dives that deeply into my life, no one can overpass her influence on me.
1. I'm doubtful anyone could dive into my life that deep like my grandmother did.
2. If I have to name someone who impacts me the most, nothing beats her royal example to me.
F. 想想看還能怎麼答:
Director Fernando has impressed me the most and inspired me a lot in many aspects of my life. When he first saw me, I was a little girl gobbling my ice cream. He told me that I was his imagination coming to life. He has very strong faith in his movie production industry. A gentleman like him with generous and friendly manners never fails in showing his genuine talent at film productions. His works present the true feelings and features of universal human nature. He used to say that the key to success is to never give up our inner childlike heart, and he believes that at certain point of time, life will shine like a supernova along the journey. This kind of positive energy and optimistic attitude surely encourages me whenever I hit some bumpy roads. Thanks to his presence, I earn more than just acting skills.