清初,康熙八歲登基,順治遺命由四位大臣輔政。康熙十四歲時輔臣鰲拜卻大權獨攬,任由下屬圈佔民地,引發民眾慌亂,朝廷侍讀熊賜履之侄熊子建與虎爾哈爭執,虎爾哈刺死熊父,熊子建則刺傷虎爾哈左眼後逃逸。 康熙決議禁止圈地,竟遭鰲拜激烈反對,並強行處分另一輔臣蘇克薩哈。康熙心情沮喪,孝莊太皇太后試探康熙,發現康熙並不因受挫而縱情歌舞,大喜,諭康熙忍辱負重,並為康熙安排大婚以便親政。 康熙組織「布庫戲」角鬥力士,名為遊戲,暗中備武,藉此收熊子建入宮,並對被鰲拜安插入布庫隊的虎爾哈申明大義,收服虎爾哈。 鰲拜密謀篡逆,託病不朝。康熙親自登府探病,鰲拜反稱病請辭,康熙假意欲授以鰲拜終生攝政殊榮,誘之翌日進宮;鰲拜跪謝之際,袖內藏刀不慎掉落,康熙仍沉著以對,一笑置之。 翌日鰲拜入朝,康熙假稱太皇太后重病,誘鰲拜至偏殿,命布庫隊力士生擒鰲拜,歷數其罪,將之終身監禁,奪回政權。
In the early Qing Dynasty, Kangxi ascended the throne when he was eight years old. Emperor Shunzhi decreed in his final testament that four court ministers would be obliged to assist him in the governing of the country. When Kangxi turned fourteen, Regent Aobai arrogated all power and allowed his subordinates to take over land from the commoners by force which caused fear and disruptions among the people. Meanwhile, when Xiung Zi-jian, the nephew of Shidu Minister Xiung Ci-lu, had a dispute with Hu Er-ha, the latter stabbed and killed Xiung’s father, and Xiung Zi-jian escaped after he stabbed Hu Er-ha in his left eye.
Emperor Kangxi decided to forbid the random confiscation of land belong to the people, but Aobai opposed it strongly and even punished Sukesaha, another regent, for no apparent reason. Kangxi became despondent. Dowager Empress Xiaozhuang sounded Kangxi out and discovered that Kangxi would not allow himself to indulge in sensuous pleasures. Joyfully, she advised Kangxi to swallow his humiliation and take on a heavy load and so she arranged a royal wedding for him in order to take over the reins of government.
Emperor Kangxi organized “Buku-xi” swordsmen ostensibly for the purpose of entertainment when in effect he was trying to build an effective armed force for himself. Xiung Zi-jian was thus summoned to the court. The emperor also instilled the concept of righteousness in serving a cause to Hu Erha when the latter was called upon to become part of the Buku Guards as a scout by Aobai, and successfully enlisted Hu Er-ha to join his forces.
Aobai conspired to usurp the throne and refused to report to the emperor at court, pleading the excuse of illness. When Kangxi paid a visit to him in his mansion, Aobai asked to be released from his position as regent on account of the illness. Kangxi pretended that he would assign Aobai the honorary position of regent for life and successfully persuaded Aobai to enter the court on the following day. Aobai dropped the knife he had hidden in his sleeve when he knelt down to thank the emperor, but Kangxi reacted calmly by laughing it off.
When Aobai entered the court the following day, Kangxi induced him to go to the side wing on the pretext that the Dowager Empress was seriously ill where he had the swordsmen of Buku Guards arrest Aobai. Kangxi recounted all of the crimes that Aobai had committed and ordered him to be imprisoned for life. The emperor thus took over the reins of the government.