My Dinosaur
Legion ― The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds

My Dinosaur

My Dinosaur


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The figure of the father occupies a particularly significant place in Québécoise literature--there's a real fascination with fathers, and this recurring persona populates fiction, films, and the stories people tell of their families and themselves.

Thus, it's not surprising that, as he witnessed his own father's frailty, François Turcot--one of Quebec's most celebrated young literary voices--would write his own dedication to his vanished father, entitled My Dinosaur. In this, his first collection of poems to be published in English (and translated by renowned poet Erín Moure), Turcot excavates, reconstructs, and pays tribute not just to the father, but also to the figure of the son, and to writing itself as key to story, emotion, memory, and history.

The dinosaur of My Dinosaur is that of the distant father, sought in mourning, by the son. With luminous and lucid writing, Turcot excavates the fossil gaze of his father, in an elated elegy composed of poems both tensed and open, minimalist and talkative, serious and droll, alternating the voice and writings of the father with the fictions and assemblies of the son--reminding us that a man's story can only be told by assembling the shreds and bits that we've accumulated over the course of our lives. As prolonged metaphor for all disappearances and for the endurance of memory, Turcot's meticulous assembly in My Dinosaur is a tribute to all our Dads.

Turcot's surprisingly light and wryly humorous poems will resonate deeply with readers who are inquisitive about the role of family and memory in the construction of identity and self. Scholars who are exploring literary work on grief, and anyone who has lost a parent and felt grief but also curiosity about their lives will connect with Turcot's reflections in My Dinosaur. And finally, fans of the poetics and translation practice of Erín Moure will delight in this new work that has earned comparisons to Moure's own elegiac work in Kapusta (Anansi, 2015).

"Mon dinosaure offers a strong reading experience, Borgesian in a way, where form, robust and demanding, combines with content both humble and sensitive, held up in an awareness of the volatility and memory of things." --Sébastien Dulude, Lettres québécoises

"This kind of work is magnificent. Here's a well-constructed book that not only offers itself the pleasure of speaking of the life beyond death, but establishes a dialogue between lost loves." --Hugues Corriveau, Le Devoir

"Assembled using a variety of materials (prose, verse, letters), Mon dinosaure catalogues a sort of Father-constellation, fragmented into several utterances of memories filtered by a type of poetry which weighs up its effects and fears boastfulness more than anything.... More than just a book on the father figure, Mon dinosaure highlights the essential share of fiction that fuels and shapes memory." --Dominique Tardif, Voir

"François Turcot speaks of the death of the father in Mon dinosaure, a singular book that opts for a poetic approach which is both stimulating and original." --Denise Brassard, Voix et images






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