Bridging English
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Bridging English

Bridging English


:NT$ 6399 元
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This is the?loose-leaf edition of Bridging English, eText and Access Card Package, 6/e


A comprehensive English methods text that grounds students in theory and prepares them for practice, this?edition retains the strengths of its predecessors while addressing new developments in English education, education generally, and our culture.


In this comprehensive English methods text, prospective teachers get a huge array of active, constructivist, student-centered approaches and activities to prepare them to enter their own classrooms. While retaining the strengths of its predecessors and addressing new developments in the field of English education, of education generally, and of the culture, this fifth edition effectively grounds students in theory and prepares them to practice. The authors invite students to consider new ideas about literature, language, and learning in light of their own experience as students and in anticipation of their own practices as teachers.


The increasing diversity of today’s students, with their unique learning styles and needs; the expanding definition of literacy; the mounting pressures of accountability and end-of-course testing; and the challenges and opportunities arising from rapid advances in technology are subjects that the authors tackle to bring the text up to date and in step with what’s really happening in today’s classrooms. The many features of the text make it easily accessible for prospective teachers building their own instructional foundation.


0134197968 / 9780134197968 Bridging English, Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version -- Access Card Package 6/e


Package consists of:???

0134198166 / 9780134198163 Bridging English, Pearson eText -- Access Card

0134204034 / 9780134204031 Bridging English, Loose-Leaf Version



Joe Milner is a professor of English Education at Wake Forest University and was, for twenty-eight years, the Chairperson of the Education Department. Presently, he serves as Coordinator of the English Education Program, Director of the Advanced Placement Summer Institute, Director of the Visiting International Fellows Graduate Program, and Director of the North Carolina Literacy Project at Wake Forest University. During forty years of participation in the work of NCTE, he has served as Chair of the Conference on English Education, Chair of the International Assembly, Co- chair of the Assembly on American Literature, and a member of the Executive Committee and other committees. He has authored, co-authored, and edited eight books and numerous articles on English education, children’s literature, aesthetics, linguistics, and American literature. For these years of service to English education on a national, state, and local level, he received the North Carolina English Teachers Association Lifetime Achievement award.



Lucy Milner has taught English in two urban high schools in North Carolina and English Education at Salem College. Her involvement in the North Carolina Governor’s School program spans more than three decades, first as an English teacher and then as the Director of N. C. Governor’s School West. She has developed curriculum materials for several institutions and has written numerous book reviews and features for a variety of newspapers and educational journals, co-edited two books on children’s literature and English pedagogy, and co-authored five editions of Bridging English. Like her co-authors, she has received local and state awards for her contributions to education, but none so cherished as having two school annuals dedicated to her.


Joan Mitchell is currently completing her doctoral work in English Education at the University of Alabama where her research focus is the pedagogy of revision and its impact on student writing. After completing her MAEd in English Education at Wake Forest University, she taught a diverse group of North Carolina and Colorado students in courses ranging from regular English 9 to AP Literature. She was recognized by NCTE’s state affiliate as the state’s outstanding student teacher (2002—2003) and by the University of Alabama as its most outstanding graduate student in English Education (2009—2010). Her presentations and articles have examined topics ranging from mentoring pre-service teachers to the dynamics of moral discussion in the classroom. She presently serves as a program coordinator for the Assembly on American Literature and a reviewer for the journal English Education.






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