Parent-Led CBT for Child Anxiety ─ Helping Parents Help Their Kids

Parent-Led CBT for Child Anxiety ─ Helping Parents Help Their Kids


:NT$ 4988 元
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Parents can play a strong role in helping their children overcome anxiety disorders--given the right tools. This innovative, research-based book shows clinicians how to teach parents cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to use with their 5- to 12-year-old. Session-by-session guidelines are provided for giving parents the skills to promote children's flexible thinking and independent problem solving, help them face specific fears, and tackle accompanying difficulties, such as sleep problems and school refusal. User-friendly features include illustrative case studies, sample scripts, advice on combining face-to-face sessions with telephone support, and pointers for overcoming roadblocks. Several parent handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.


Cathy Creswell, DClinPsy, PhD, is Professor of Developmental Clinical Psychology in the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading, United Kingdom. She is also Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Joint Director of the University of Reading Anxiety and Depression in Young People clinical research unit. Dr. Creswell’s research and clinical interests focus on the development and treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. In addition to numerous academic publications, she is coauthor (with Lucy Willetts) of two self-help books for parents of children with anxiety disorders.

Monika Parkinson, DClinPsy, is a clinical psychologist and Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Reading, United Kingdom. She has worked clinically for the U.K. National Health Service and on several large treatment trials at the University of Reading, as well as running her own private practice. Dr. Parkinson’s interests focus on identifying effective components of treatments for youth and finding cost-effective ways of supporting families and parents of youth with mental health difficulties. She is coauthor (with Shirley Reynolds) of two self-help books on teenage depression.

Kerstin Thirlwall, DClinPsy, PhD, is a chartered clinical psychologist and Honorary Fellow at the University of Reading, United Kingdom. She led a treatment trial funded by the U.K. Medical Research Council that assessed the effectiveness of a guided parent-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy approach for childhood anxiety disorders. Dr. Thirlwall continues to have a special interest in evidence-based treatments for childhood anxiety disorders, with a particular focus on parent-led approaches; delivers teaching and training to mental health professionals; and provides treatment for children and their families.

Lucy Willetts, DClinPsy, PhD, is a chartered clinical psychologist and accredited cognitive-behavioral therapist. She worked as a clinical psychologist within the U.K. National Health Service for nearly 20 years and most recently was Clinical Director of the Berkshire Child Anxiety Clinic. Dr. Willetts now works in private practice and is Visiting Fellow at the University of Reading. She is coauthor of several books on childhood anxiety.







定價:100 4988
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