Mergers and Acquisitions ― A Study of Financial Performance, Motives and Corporate Governance
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Mergers and Acquisitions ― A Study of Financial Performance, Motives and Corporate Governance

Mergers and Acquisitions ― A Study of Financial Performance, Motives and Corporate Governance


:NT$ 9279 元
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The book examines the market reaction to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) announcements over a period from 2003 to 2015, with a special focus on pre- and post-crisis analysis. M&A is an important component of corporate strategy, and acquisitions as a growth strategy has received attention from developed as well as emerging economies. It has been extensively used by managers as an expansion strategy and also serves as an important instrument for increasing corporate efficiency. Recently, M&A has grown at a rapid pace, creating a need for research to analyze what drives this phenomenon and how it affects firms and markets. As such, this book evaluates the impact of M&A on short-term abnormal returns as well long-term financial performance. It also assesses the management view concerning the motives for undertaking M&A. In addition, the book investigates the corporate governance practices of the acquiring firms and their impact on the short- term as well as long- term performance of those firms.


Neelam Rani is an Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Management Shillong, India. She obtained her PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

P.K. Jain?is a Professor of Finance and the Modi Chair Professor at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi), India. He has been the Dalmia Chair Professor as well. Recently, he has been awarded with ‘Best?Faculty Award’ at IIT Delhi. He has more than 40 years of teaching experience in subjects related to Management Accounting, Financial Management, Financial Analysis, Cost Analysis and Cost Control. He has been a visiting faculty at the AIT Bangkok; University of Paris; Howe School of Technology Management at Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey; and ICPE, Ljubljana. He has authored three well-known text books published by TMH and more than ten research monographs. He has contributed more than 150 research papers in journals of national and international?repute.

Surendra S. Yadav?is a Professor of Finance at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi), India. He teaches Corporate Finance, International Finance, International Business and Security Analysis and?Portfolio Management. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Paris, Paris School of Management, INSEEC Paris, and the University of Tampa, USA. He has published nine books and contributed more than 150 papers to research journals and conferences. He has also contributed more than 30 papers to financial/ economic newspapers. He is the editor-in-chief of the?Journal of Advances in?Management Research?(JAMR) published by Emerald Publishing, UK.






優惠價:90 8351
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