Philosophy in the Islamic World 8th-10th Century ― 8th-10th Centuries
Little Bear''s Little Boat

Philosophy in the Islamic World 8th-10th Century ― 8th-10th Centuries

Philosophy in the Islamic World 8th-10th Century ― 8th-10th Centuries


:NT$ 17168 元
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This first in a projected four-volume series examining the history of philosophy in Islam from the beginning to the present, considers thinkers and schools of thought from the eight century AD to the 10th. The topics are the late ancient background, the Syriac tradition in the early Islamic era, the rebirth of philosophy and the translations into Arabic, Abu Yusuf al-Kindi, the beginnings of Islamic philosophy in the tradition of al-Kindi, Abu Bakr al-Razi, the Baghdad Aristotelians, Abu Nasr al-Farabi, and the dissemination of philosophical thought. Annotation ©2017 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (


Ulrich Rudolph is Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Zurich. His primary areas of interest are the history of philosophy in the Islamic world and Islamic theology. He has published numerous monographs and articles in these fields, including Die Doxographie des Pseudo-Ammonios, Occasionalismus: Theorien der Kausalitat im arabischen-islamischen und im lateinischen Denken (co-authored with Dominik Perler) and Al-Maturidi und die sunnitische Theologie in Samarkand, the latter being translated into several languages. He is the editor of the German original of the work published here in English, entitled Philosophie in der islamischen Welt: 8.-10. Jahrhundert.Rotraud Hansberger (D.Phil. in Oriental Studies, University of Oxford) is Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, LMU Munich. Her main areas of research are the Graeco-Arabic transmission and medieval Arabic philosophy, with a particular focus on philosophical psychology. Peter Adamson is Professor of Late Antique and Islamic Philosophy at LMU Munich. His primary areas of interest are in late ancient philosophy and Arabic philosophy. He has written monographs on the Arabic version of Plotinus, the so-called “Theology of Aristotle,” and on al-Kindi. He has devoted articles to many figures of the Greek and Arabic traditions, and edited and co-edited numerous books, including The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy, and Interpreting Avicenna: Critical Essaysfor Cambridge University Press. He is also the author of the book series A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, with Oxford University Press.Contributors:Peter Adamson, Hans Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Hans Daiber, Daniel De Smet, Gerhard Endress, Cleophea Ferrari, Dimitri Gutas, Paraskevi Kotzia, Eva Orthmann, Ulrich Rudolph, Elvira Wakelnig






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