Global Advertising Practice in a Borderless World

Global Advertising Practice in a Borderless World


:NT$ 8100 元
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Cultural and regional differences in creating and managing advertising require unique responses to a dynamic, rapidly globalising business environment. To be global in advertising is no longer to be homogenised or standardised, it is to be at the leading edge of social and cultural trends that are changing the world as we know it.

Addressing global advertising from an industry practices perspective, this authoritative collection covers a wide range of adaptive advertising practices across the globe, from major to emerging markets, from mainstream to digital advertising. Its focus is advertising in the globalising world and understanding how the globalisation of advertising is performed in practice. Divided into three sections: globalisation of advertising in a media and communications context; advertising in a global world and; global advertising in a digital world, it covers the past, present and some potential futures of global advertising.

It will be of great interest to researchers, educators and advanced students in advertising, global branding, international marketing, international business media, communication and cultural studies.


Linda Brennan is a Professor of Advertising & Social Marketing in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University in Melbourne. Her research interests are social and government marketing and especially the influence of marketing communications and advertising on behaviour. Professor Brennan has published in the field of not for profit and social marketing, particularly in the higher education sector. She was awarded the Literati Award for Most Outstanding paper for 2012 for the paper entitled "Children as agents of secondary socialisation for their parents" published in Young Consumers, co-authored with Dr Torgeir Watne and Dr Antonio Lobo. She is editor in chief of the Journal Communication, Politics & Culture. She has published several books and is a Partner Investigator of the ‘Globalising the magic system: a history of advertising industry practices in Australia 1959-1989’ project, funded by the Australian Research Council. She is also a co-author of the third Australasian edition of the textbook "Advertising Principles and Practices" (Pearson, 2014) with Dr Crawford.

Robert Crawford is an Associate Professor at University of Technology Sydney. Together with colleagues at the University of Melbourne, RMIT University, Brown University, and the University of Essex, Dr. Crawford is currently working on an ARC-funded project (DP120100777) entitled ‘Globalizing the Magic System: A History of Advertising Industry Practices in Australia 1959-1989’. He is the author of various publications charting the history of Australia’s advertising industry, including "But Wait There’s More…: A History of Australian Advertising, 1900-2000" (Melbourne University Press, 2008). More recently, he co-edited "Consumer Australia: Historical Perspectives" (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), a collection of essays charting the growth and development of consumer culture in Australia. He is also a co-author of the second and third Australasian editions of the textbook "Advertising Principles and Practices" (Pearson Publishing, 2011 and 2014).







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