Engineering Economy + Mylab Engineering With Pearson Etext Access Card
Bilingual Education: Southeast Asian Perspectives

Engineering Economy + Mylab Engineering With Pearson Etext Access Card

Engineering Economy + Mylab Engineering With Pearson Etext Access Card


:NT$ 15999 元
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For courses in undergraduate introductory engineering economics.

This package includes MyLab Engineering.


Understand the importance of engineering economics principles and how to make smart economic choices

Used by engineering students worldwide, this bestselling text provides a sound understanding of the principles, basic concepts, and methodology of engineering economy. Explanations and examples that are student-centered and practical in real-life situations help students develop pro ciency in the methods and processes for making rational decisions. Built upon the rich and time-tested teaching materials of earlier editions, the text is extensively revised and updated to reflect current trends and issues. The new edition captures the spirit of environmental sustainability with more than 160 “green” problems, as well as new end-of-chapter problems and group exercises, and includes updates to the new 2017 Federal Tax code revisions.


Reach every student by pairing this text with MyLab Engineering

MyLab™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.Instructors can choose from a large number of homework and practice questions that are correlated to the textbook, many of which regenerate algorithmically to give students unlimited opportunity for practice and mastery.


0134873203 / 9780134873206 Engineering Economy Plus MyEngineeringLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package

Package consists of:

  • 0134831675 / 9780134831671 MyEngineeringLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Engineering Economy
  • 0134870069 / 9780134870069 Engineering Economy


Dr. William G. Sullivan earned his Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Industrial and Systems Engineering. He has made enduring contributions to the field of engineering economy education in his more than 40 years of service to industry and the academy. A tireless lecturer, he has taught engineering economy to more than 10,000 students at five major universities (Georgia Tech, University of Tennessee, North Carolina State University, Arizona State University, and Virginia Tech). Dr. Sullivan's textbooks in the field (five in total), including "Engineering Economy" (17th edition) continue to contribute to the education of thousands of students. He also has extensive consulting experience with 25 firms in the U.S.


Elin M. Wicks is the owner of Abacus Accounting LLC, an accounting and bookkeeping company focused on empowering small business owners to achieve financial success. She earned a BS and MS in Industrial Engineering from Rutgers University where her masters research focused on a method of quantifying non-economic factors in monetary terms. During this time she also developed software tools to assist Cosmair Inc. in improving scheduling and labor recording practices. She went on to earn her PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech focussing on the design of cellular manufacturing systems. She then joined the faculty of the University of Missouri, Columbia in the Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Department. After taking some time off to raise her children, she supplemented her education in the field of accounting and became the Senior Accountant of Glenn B. Cohen, CPA - an accounting and financial management firm. She has been an author of Engineering Economy since the publication of the 10th edition.


C. Patrick Koelling has served on the faculty in industrial and systems engineering at Virginia Tech since 1987. Dr. Koelling received his Ph.D. in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering in 1982 from Arizona State University, an MBA in 1978, M.S.I.E. in 1977, and B.S.I.E. in 1976, all from the University of Missouri. He conducts research and teaches in operations research and management systems engineering. Prior to joining Virginia Tech, he spent two years at Hallmark Cards as a senior analyst and three years as an assistant professor at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Koelling has also served as department head of industrial engineering and management at Oklahoma State. Dr. Koelling has consulted with several private and government organizations, including the establishment of new industrial and systems engineering programs. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Executive Director of Alpha Pi Mu, the industrial engineering honor society, and Director of Accreditation Affairs for the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers.








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