Real Estate, Construction and Economic Development in Emerging Market Economies

Real Estate, Construction and Economic Development in Emerging Market Economies


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Real Estate, Construction and Economic Development in Emerging Market Economies examines the relationships between real estate and construction sectors and explores how each sector, and the relationships between them, affect economic development in emerging market economies (EMEs).

Throughout the book, the international team of contributors discuss topics as diverse as real estate finance and investment, housing, property development, construction project management, valuation, sustainability and corporate real estate. In doing so the book demonstrates how the relationship between construction and real estate impacts on economic development in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, China, Ghana, Nigeria, Turkey, Lithuania, Hungary and Slovenia.

Topics include:

  • the role of real estate brokerage in improving the living standards of citizens;
  • the effect of a mineral boom on construction cycles, real estate values and the socio-economic conditions of people in boom towns and cities;
  • corporate real estate management practices and how they affect economic growth; and
  • the synergies between construction and real estate and how they, in turn, affect economic development.

This book will be of interest to those studying and researching real estate, construction, development studies, urban economics and emerging market economies.


Raymond T. Abdulai, PhD, MPhil (Cantab), PGCTLHE, BSc (Hons) [First Class], MRICS, MGhIS, FHEA, is a Senior Lecturer in Real Estate at the Department of Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK. Prior to his appointment at LJMU, he worked at the School of Technology, Wolverhampton University as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer. He lectured at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana where he also practised as a chartered general practice surveyor before commencing his academic career in the United Kingdom. Raymond’s research interests span various facets of real estate including: real estate economics, management, finance, investment, valuation and development; land dispute resolution, especially in the developing world; emerging real estate markets; and landed property rights. He has published extensively in reputed international journals, edited textbooks and conference proceedings. He has three textbooks to his credit and has edited four textbooks. Raymond is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies. He is a reviewer to various international journals as well as serves on the editorial boards of various international journals.

Franklin Obeng-Odoom, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) [First Class], is a Senior Lecturer in Property Economics at the School of the Built Environment and a member of the Asia Pacific Centre for Complex Real Property Rights at the University of Technology, Sydney. His doctoral work was supervised by Frank Stilwell, Australia's first full professor of political economy and well know public intellectual. Franklin's research interests are in political economy of cities, real estate and economic development. He has published widely on real estate and economic development more broadly in journals of international repute. He has also taught in the "Political economy of development" program at the University of Sydney, Australia. Franklin is Associate Editor of "African Review of Economics and Finance" and "Journal of Sustainable Development", and the Book Review Editor of "Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies". He serves on the editorial board of "Urban Challenge" (Urbani Izziv).

Edward Ochieng, PhD, PGCHE, MSc, BSc (Hons), FHEA, FAPM, is a Senior Lecturer in Project Management at the Department of Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK. Edward’s research interests include: Multicultural project team performance, value creation, portfolio management, return on investment in projects, stakeholder management, project governance, project culture, project integration, modelling technology and sustainability in construction. He has presented in both national and international conferences, such as Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM), Australian Universities Building Educators Association (AUBEA), CIB World Congress, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and International World of Construction Project Management whereby he has shared his knowledge on ‘Global Project Teams, Project Complexity, Project Performance and Project Team Integration’. Edward has authored, co-authored and contributed to one book and over 40 refereed papers. His research into project management is mainly concerned with people experiences and organisational challenges of managing projects in developing and developed nations. He has extensive experience in all aspects of the heavy engineering development project life cycle.

Vida Maliene, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), FHEA, is a Reader in Property and Planning Studies at the Department of the Built Environment and an active member of the Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST) Research Institute, both at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK. Vida is a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Land Management and Geomatics in Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Lithuania. Her research focuses on Property and Planning including such related subjects as Spatial and Urban Planning, Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Communities, Land Management and Economics, Property Valuation and Taxation. Vida has published over fifty scientific papers in International peer-reviewed academic journals and conference proceedings, a book/monograph, eleven book chapters and several journal editorials. She is a member of Executive Board of European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD) in Zurich, member of the European Group of Operational Research, the International Council of Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) and the Lincoln institute of Land Use Policy in the US.







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