The Oxford Handbook of Persian Linguistics
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The Oxford Handbook of Persian Linguistics

The Oxford Handbook of Persian Linguistics


:NT$ 10200 元
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This handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the field of Persian linguistics, discusses its development, and captures critical accounts of cutting edge research within its major subfields, as well as outlining current debates and suggesting productive lines of future research. Leading scholars in the major subfields of Persian linguistics examine a range of topics split into six thematic parts. Following a detailed introduction from the editors, the volume begins by placing Persian in its historical and typological context in Part I. Chapters in Part II examine topics relating to phonetics and phonology, while Part III looks at approaches to and features of Persian syntax. The fourth part of the volume explores morphology and lexicography, as well as the work of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature. Part V, language and people, covers topics such as language contact and teaching Persian as a foreign language, while the final part examines psycho- neuro-, and computational linguistics. The volume will be an essential resource for all scholars with an interest in Persian language and linguistics.


Anousha Sedighi is Professor of Persian and Persian Program Head at Portland State University. She received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Ottawa in 2005. She has published on syntax, morphology, and teaching Persian as a heritage language. Her publications include Agreement Restrictions in Persian (Rozenberg/Purdue University Press, 2008; republished in 2011 by Leiden University Press/University of Chicago Press) and Persian in Use: An Elementary Textbook of Language and Culture (Leiden University Press/University of Chicago Press, 2015). She served as the President of the American Association of Teachers of Persian (2014-2016) and she currently sits in the executive board of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages.

Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi is Senior Lecturer in Persian Language and Linguistics and Persian Language Program Head at McGill University. She received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Ottawa in 2012. She has published books and articles on psycholinguistics, particularly on processing compound words in first and second language. Her publications include Processing Compound Verbs in Persian: A Psycholinguistic Approach to Complex Predicates (Leiden University Press/University of Chicago Press 2014), and What the Persian Media Says (Routledge, 2015), as well as the Routledge Introductory Persian Course and Routledge Intermediate Persian Course (2010, 2012, with Dominic Brookshaw). She serves as reviewer for the Journal of the International Society for Iranian Studies, the International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Lingua, Sage Open Journal, and Frontiers in Psychology.






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