規格:22.5cm*17cm*2.2cm (高/寬/厚)
1. 你有空……嗎? Are you free + to V. / for N. / TIME? 20
2. (你)想要……嗎? (Do you) feel like + N./V-ing? 22
3. 你想要……嗎? Would you like + to V. / N. 24
4. 我想邀請你…… I’d like to invite you + to N./V. 26
5. 我想請你…… I’d love for you to V. 28
6. 如果你不忙的話,要不要……? If you’re not busy, do you want to V.? 30
7. 如果你願意……,我會感到很榮幸。 I’d be honored if you would V. 32
8. 能……是一種榮幸。 It would be an honor to V. 34
動動腦 36
1. 我們來……吧。 Let’s V. 38
2. 我們要不要……? Shall we V.? 40
3. ……如何、怎麼樣? How about + N./V-ing / S. + V.? 42
4. ……如何、怎麼樣? What about + N./V-ing? 44
5. (你)想不想……? (Do you) fancy + N./V-ing? 46
6. 要不要……? What do/would you say + to N./V-ing / S. + V.? 48
7. 你也許會對……感興趣。 You might be interested + in N./V-ing 50
動動腦 52
1. 我希望我可以,但是…… I wish I could, but . . . 54
2. 我真的很想……,但是…… I’d really love to V., but . . . 56
3. 對不起,…… I’m sorry, but . . . 58
4. 謝謝你……,不過…… Thanks + for N./V-ing, but . . . 60
5. 我想我會……,但還是謝謝你…… I think I’ll V., but thanks + for N./V-ing 62
6. 很遺憾,我對……沒興趣。 I’m afraid I’m not interested + in N./V-ing 64
7. 我不想…… I’m not in the mood + to V. / for N./V-ing 66
8. 我們很遺憾要通知你…… We regret to inform you (that) + S. + V. 68
動動腦 70
1. 謝謝你…… Thank you + for N./V-ing 72
2. 我對……感激不盡。 I can’t thank you enough + for N./V-ing 74
3. 我非常感謝…… I really appreciate + N./V-ing / that + S. + V. 76
4. 我無法形容我有多麼感謝…… I can’t tell you how much I appreciate + N./V-ing 78
5. 請接受我對……的感謝。 Please accept my gratitude + for N./V-ing 80
6. 你……人真好。 It’s very kind of you to V. 82
7. 你真體貼,還……! How thoughtful of you to V.! 84
8. 你……而解了圍。 You really saved the day by V-ing 86
動動腦 88
1. 對於……,我真的很抱歉。 I’m really sorry + for/about N./V-ing 90
2. 我為……(向……)道歉。 I apologize (to sb) + for N./V-ing 92
3. 對於……,請接受我的(誠摯)道歉。 Please accept my (sincere) apology + for N./V-ing 94
4. 我要為……向你道歉。 I owe you an apology + for N./V-ing 96
5. 請原諒我…… Please forgive me + for N./V-ing 98
6. 我不是故意要…… I didn’t mean to V. 100
7. ……全都是我的錯。 It’s all my fault that + S. + V. 102
8. 我不該……的。 I shouldn’t have + p.p. 104
9. 關於……,我想跟你說我很抱歉。 I want to tell you how sorry I am + about N./V-ing 106
10. 我不知該怎麼說才好,…… I don’t know how to say this, but . . . 108
動動腦 110
1. 祝你…… I wish you + N. 112
2. 祝你…… May you + V. 114
3. 祝你…… Have + N. 116
4. 恭喜…… Congratulations + on N./V-ing 118
5. 為……送上最好的祝福。 Best wishes + on N./V-ing 120
6. 我由衷地祝福你…… All my best wishes to you for N. 122
7. 我想舉杯向……致意。 I’d like to make a toast to N. 124
動動腦 126
1. 我建議……I suggest/recommend + (that) + S. + (should) V. / V-ing 128
2. 你為什麼不……呢? Why don’t you V.? 130
3. (我認為)你應該…… (I think) You should V. 132
4. 也許你不該…… Maybe you shouldn’t V. 134
5. 你最好…… You’d better V. 136
6. ……可能會比較好。 It would be better to V. 138
7. 如果我是你,我會…… If I were you, I would V. 140
8. 你可能會想要…… You may want to V. 142
9. 你有想過……嗎? Have you thought of V-ing ? 144
10. 你不認為……會是個好主意嗎? Don’t you think it would be a good idea to V.? 146
11. ……是有用的。 It is useful to V. 148
動動腦 150
1. 我認為…… I believe/think/feel (that) + S. + V. 152
2. 依我之見,…… In my opinion/view, S. + V. 154
3. 我覺得、我的意見是…… My feeling is that + S. + V. 156
4. 在我看來,……似乎…… It appears/seems to me that + S. + V. 158
5. 我懷疑…… I doubt + (that) + S. + V. / whether/if + S. + V. 160
6. 我認為…… If you ask me, S. + V. 162
7. 我可能是錯的,但是…… I could be wrong, but . . . 164
8. 我不想告訴你,…… I hate to tell you that + S. + V. 166
9. 我了解你說的,但是…… I see what you’re saying, but . . . 168
10. 可以肯定的是,…… It’s safe to say (that) + S. + V. 170
動動腦 172
1. 我不知道…… I don’t know . . . 174
2. 我認為……不……;我不認為…… I don’t think (that) + S. + V. 176
3. 我不介意…… I don’t mind + N./V-ing / wh-疑問詞 + S. + V. 178
4. 我無法忍受……;我受不了…… I can’t stand + N./V-ing / to V. 180
5. 我不會讓…… I won’t let + O. + V. 182
6. 我不敢…… I dare not V. 184
7. ……都沒關係。 It doesn’t matter + wh-疑問詞+ S. + V. / that + S. + V. 186
8. ……是不可能的。 It is impossible to V. 188
9. 無法…… There is no + V-ing 190
動動腦 192
1. 我願意…… I’m willing to V. 194
2. 我想…… I wish to V. 196
3. 我決心要…… I’m determined to V. 198
4. 我永遠不會拒絕…… I’ll never say no + to N./V-ing 200
5. 我比較喜歡……勝於…… I prefer + N./V-ing + to/over N./V-ing 202
6. 我寧可…… I’d rather V. 204
7. 我不得不…… I have no choice but to V. 206
動動腦 208
1. 多麼、好……! How + adj./adv. (+ S. + V.)! 210
2. 我……很開心。 I had a great time + V-ing 212
3. 我很期待…… I’m looking forward + to N./V-ing 214
4. 我厭倦了…… I’m tired + of N./V-ing 216
5. 我擔心…… I’m worried + about N./V-ing / that + S. + V. 218
6. 我很遺憾聽到…… I’m sorry to hear that + S. + V. 220
7. ……真是令人遺憾。 It’s a shame + to V. / that + S. + V. 222
8. ……,我真的很難過。 It breaks my heart + to V. / that + S. + V. 224
動動腦 226
1. 我可以向你請教……嗎? Can I ask for your advice + about/on . . . ? 228
2. 對於……,你有什麼看法嗎? Do you have any opinions + about/on . . . ? 230
3. 關於……,你的看法如何? What’s your opinion + about/on . . . ? 232
4. 我想聽聽你對……的看法。 I’d like (to hear) your opinion/view + about/on . . . 234
5. 你覺得……怎麼樣呢? What do you think + of/about N./V-ing? 236
6. 你覺得……怎麼樣? How do you like + N./V-ing? 238
7. 你認為我應該……嗎? Do you think (that) I should V.? 240
8. 你是否同意(我說)……? Would you agree (with me) that + S. + V.? 242
9. 要是……怎麼辦? What if + S. + V./V-ed? 244
動動腦 246
1. 請幫我…… Please help me + V. / with N./V-ing 248
2. 你可以幫我……嗎? Could you do me a favor and V.? 250
3. 你有空……嗎? Do you have a second to V.? 252
4. 可以麻煩你幫我……嗎? Would you please + V. + for me? 254
5. 如果你不介意的話…… If you don’t mind, . . . 256
6. 你有可能……嗎? Is it possible for you to V.? 258
7. 要是你……,我會很感激。 I would really appreciate it if you + V-ed 260
8. 如果不麻煩的話,你可以……嗎? If it’s no trouble, could you V.? 262
9. 我不確定要怎麼…… I’m not sure how to V. 264
動動腦 266
1. 我可以……嗎? Can/Could I + V., please? 268
2. 我可以……嗎? May I + V., please? 270
3. 請容我、請讓我…… Please allow me to V. 272
4. 你能允許我……嗎? Will you permit me to V.? 274
5. 我有機會……嗎? Will I get a chance to V.? 276
6. 你介意……嗎? Would you mind + if + S. + V-ed? / Do you mind + if + S. + V.? 278
動動腦 280
1. 我想知道…… I wonder + wh-疑問詞/if/whether + S. + V. 282
2. 你可以告訴我……在哪裡嗎? Could you tell me where + S. + V.? 284
3. 我要怎麼從這裡到……? How can I get to + N. (from here)? 286
4. ……有多少? How much (+ N.) + be + S. / 助動詞 + S. + V.? 288
5. ……有另外收費嗎? Is there an extra charge + for N./V-ing? 290
6. 你們有賣……嗎? Do you have/carry/sell/stock + N.? 292
7. 你能不能提供……? Do you by any chance offer + N.? 294
8. 多久……一次? How often + 助動詞 + S. + V.? 296
9. ……要花多久的時間? How long will it take to V.? 298
10. 你將要……,不是嗎? You are going to V., aren’t you? 300
動動腦 302
1. 由於、因為…… Because of + N./V-ing, S. + V. 304
2. 也許這是因為…… Perhaps this is due to + N./V-ing 306
3. 因為…… It’s because + S. + V. 308
4. ……全都是因為…… It’s all because of + N./V-ing + that + S. + V. 310
5. ……的原因是…… The reason for + N./V-ing + is that + S. + V. 312
6. 那就是……的原因。 That’s why + S. + V. 314
7. 如此……(以致於……) so + adj./adv. + that + S. + V. 316
8. 如此……(以致於……) such + a(n) + adj. + N.(單數可數) / adj. + N.(複數/不可數) + that + S. + V. 318
動動腦 320
1. 據說…… It is said that + S. + V. 322
2. 是時候……了。 It’s time + for N. / to V. / that + S. + V-ed 324
3. ……是很重要的。 It is important + (for sb) to V. / that + S. + V. 326
4. ……很有可能…… It is likely that + S. + V. 328
5. 難怪…… (It is) no wonder (that) + S. + V. 330
6. 結果、原來…… It turns out that + S. + V. 332
7. 我突然想到…… It occurred to me that + S. + V. 334
動動腦 336
1. 我們只需要……就可以。 All we have to do is V. 338
2. 一……就…… As soon as + S. + V., S. + V. 340
3. 雖然……,但…… Although/Though + S. + V., S. + V. 342
4. 一定要…… Be sure to V. 344
5. 無論…… No matter + wh- 疑問詞 + S. + V., . . . 346
6. 不需要、沒有必要……There is no need + for N./V-ing / (for sb) to V. 348
7. 如果是那樣的話,那…… If that’s the case, then + S. + V. 350
8. 太……而無法…… too + adj./adv. + (for sb/sth) to V. 352
動動腦 354
1. 你有空……嗎? Are you free + to V. / for N. / TIME? 20
2. (你)想要……嗎? (Do you) feel like + N./V-ing? 22
3. 你想要……嗎? Would you like + to V. / N. 24
4. 我想邀請你…… I’d like to invite you + to N./V. 26
5. 我想請你…… I’d love for you to V. 28
6. 如果你不忙的話,要不要……? If you’re not busy, do you want to V.? 30
7. 如果你願意……,我會感到很榮幸。 I’d be honored if you would V. 32
8. 能……是一種榮幸。 It would be an honor to V. 34
動動腦 36
1. 我們來……吧。 Let’s V. 38
2. 我們要不要……? Shall we V.? 40
3. ……如何、怎麼樣? How about + N./V-ing / S. + V.? 42
4. ……如何、怎麼樣? What about + N./V-ing? 44
5. (你)想不想……? (Do you) fancy + N./V-ing? 46
6. 要不要……? What do/would you say + to N./V-ing / S. + V.? 48
7. 你也許會對……感興趣。 You might be interested + in N./V-ing 50
動動腦 52
1. 我希望我可以,但是…… I wish I could, but . . . 54
2. 我真的很想……,但是…… I’d really love to V., but . . . 56
3. 對不起,…… I’m sorry, but . . . 58
4. 謝謝你……,不過…… Thanks + for N./V-ing, but . . . 60
5. 我想我會……,但還是謝謝你…… I think I’ll V., but thanks + for N./V-ing 62
6. 很遺憾,我對……沒興趣。 I’m afraid I’m not interested + in N./V-ing 64
7. 我不想…… I’m not in the mood + to V. / for N./V-ing 66
8. 我們很遺憾要通知你…… We regret to inform you (that) + S. + V. 68
動動腦 70
1. 謝謝你…… Thank you + for N./V-ing 72
2. 我對……感激不盡。 I can’t thank you enough + for N./V-ing 74
3. 我非常感謝…… I really appreciate + N./V-ing / that + S. + V. 76
4. 我無法形容我有多麼感謝…… I can’t tell you how much I appreciate + N./V-ing 78
5. 請接受我對……的感謝。 Please accept my gratitude + for N./V-ing 80
6. 你……人真好。 It’s very kind of you to V. 82
7. 你真體貼,還……! How thoughtful of you to V.! 84
8. 你……而解了圍。 You really saved the day by V-ing 86
動動腦 88
1. 對於……,我真的很抱歉。 I’m really sorry + for/about N./V-ing 90
2. 我為……(向……)道歉。 I apologize (to sb) + for N./V-ing 92
3. 對於……,請接受我的(誠摯)道歉。 Please accept my (sincere) apology + for N./V-ing 94
4. 我要為……向你道歉。 I owe you an apology + for N./V-ing 96
5. 請原諒我…… Please forgive me + for N./V-ing 98
6. 我不是故意要…… I didn’t mean to V. 100
7. ……全都是我的錯。 It’s all my fault that + S. + V. 102
8. 我不該……的。 I shouldn’t have + p.p. 104
9. 關於……,我想跟你說我很抱歉。 I want to tell you how sorry I am + about N./V-ing 106
10. 我不知該怎麼說才好,…… I don’t know how to say this, but . . . 108
動動腦 110
1. 祝你…… I wish you + N. 112
2. 祝你…… May you + V. 114
3. 祝你…… Have + N. 116
4. 恭喜…… Congratulations + on N./V-ing 118
5. 為……送上最好的祝福。 Best wishes + on N./V-ing 120
6. 我由衷地祝福你…… All my best wishes to you for N. 122
7. 我想舉杯向……致意。 I’d like to make a toast to N. 124
動動腦 126
1. 我建議……I suggest/recommend + (that) + S. + (should) V. / V-ing 128
2. 你為什麼不……呢? Why don’t you V.? 130
3. (我認為)你應該…… (I think) You should V. 132
4. 也許你不該…… Maybe you shouldn’t V. 134
5. 你最好…… You’d better V. 136
6. ……可能會比較好。 It would be better to V. 138
7. 如果我是你,我會…… If I were you, I would V. 140
8. 你可能會想要…… You may want to V. 142
9. 你有想過……嗎? Have you thought of V-ing ? 144
10. 你不認為……會是個好主意嗎? Don’t you think it would be a good idea to V.? 146
11. ……是有用的。 It is useful to V. 148
動動腦 150
1. 我認為…… I believe/think/feel (that) + S. + V. 152
2. 依我之見,…… In my opinion/view, S. + V. 154
3. 我覺得、我的意見是…… My feeling is that + S. + V. 156
4. 在我看來,……似乎…… It appears/seems to me that + S. + V. 158
5. 我懷疑…… I doubt + (that) + S. + V. / whether/if + S. + V. 160
6. 我認為…… If you ask me, S. + V. 162
7. 我可能是錯的,但是…… I could be wrong, but . . . 164
8. 我不想告訴你,…… I hate to tell you that + S. + V. 166
9. 我了解你說的,但是…… I see what you’re saying, but . . . 168
10. 可以肯定的是,…… It’s safe to say (that) + S. + V. 170
動動腦 172
1. 我不知道…… I don’t know . . . 174
2. 我認為……不……;我不認為…… I don’t think (that) + S. + V. 176
3. 我不介意…… I don’t mind + N./V-ing / wh-疑問詞 + S. + V. 178
4. 我無法忍受……;我受不了…… I can’t stand + N./V-ing / to V. 180
5. 我不會讓…… I won’t let + O. + V. 182
6. 我不敢…… I dare not V. 184
7. ……都沒關係。 It doesn’t matter + wh-疑問詞+ S. + V. / that + S. + V. 186
8. ……是不可能的。 It is impossible to V. 188
9. 無法…… There is no + V-ing 190
動動腦 192
1. 我願意…… I’m willing to V. 194
2. 我想…… I wish to V. 196
3. 我決心要…… I’m determined to V. 198
4. 我永遠不會拒絕…… I’ll never say no + to N./V-ing 200
5. 我比較喜歡……勝於…… I prefer + N./V-ing + to/over N./V-ing 202
6. 我寧可…… I’d rather V. 204
7. 我不得不…… I have no choice but to V. 206
動動腦 208
1. 多麼、好……! How + adj./adv. (+ S. + V.)! 210
2. 我……很開心。 I had a great time + V-ing 212
3. 我很期待…… I’m looking forward + to N./V-ing 214
4. 我厭倦了…… I’m tired + of N./V-ing 216
5. 我擔心…… I’m worried + about N./V-ing / that + S. + V. 218
6. 我很遺憾聽到…… I’m sorry to hear that + S. + V. 220
7. ……真是令人遺憾。 It’s a shame + to V. / that + S. + V. 222
8. ……,我真的很難過。 It breaks my heart + to V. / that + S. + V. 224
動動腦 226
1. 我可以向你請教……嗎? Can I ask for your advice + about/on . . . ? 228
2. 對於……,你有什麼看法嗎? Do you have any opinions + about/on . . . ? 230
3. 關於……,你的看法如何? What’s your opinion + about/on . . . ? 232
4. 我想聽聽你對……的看法。 I’d like (to hear) your opinion/view + about/on . . . 234
5. 你覺得……怎麼樣呢? What do you think + of/about N./V-ing? 236
6. 你覺得……怎麼樣? How do you like + N./V-ing? 238
7. 你認為我應該……嗎? Do you think (that) I should V.? 240
8. 你是否同意(我說)……? Would you agree (with me) that + S. + V.? 242
9. 要是……怎麼辦? What if + S. + V./V-ed? 244
動動腦 246
1. 請幫我…… Please help me + V. / with N./V-ing 248
2. 你可以幫我……嗎? Could you do me a favor and V.? 250
3. 你有空……嗎? Do you have a second to V.? 252
4. 可以麻煩你幫我……嗎? Would you please + V. + for me? 254
5. 如果你不介意的話…… If you don’t mind, . . . 256
6. 你有可能……嗎? Is it possible for you to V.? 258
7. 要是你……,我會很感激。 I would really appreciate it if you + V-ed 260
8. 如果不麻煩的話,你可以……嗎? If it’s no trouble, could you V.? 262
9. 我不確定要怎麼…… I’m not sure how to V. 264
動動腦 266
1. 我可以……嗎? Can/Could I + V., please? 268
2. 我可以……嗎? May I + V., please? 270
3. 請容我、請讓我…… Please allow me to V. 272
4. 你能允許我……嗎? Will you permit me to V.? 274
5. 我有機會……嗎? Will I get a chance to V.? 276
6. 你介意……嗎? Would you mind + if + S. + V-ed? / Do you mind + if + S. + V.? 278
動動腦 280
1. 我想知道…… I wonder + wh-疑問詞/if/whether + S. + V. 282
2. 你可以告訴我……在哪裡嗎? Could you tell me where + S. + V.? 284
3. 我要怎麼從這裡到……? How can I get to + N. (from here)? 286
4. ……有多少? How much (+ N.) + be + S. / 助動詞 + S. + V.? 288
5. ……有另外收費嗎? Is there an extra charge + for N./V-ing? 290
6. 你們有賣……嗎? Do you have/carry/sell/stock + N.? 292
7. 你能不能提供……? Do you by any chance offer + N.? 294
8. 多久……一次? How often + 助動詞 + S. + V.? 296
9. ……要花多久的時間? How long will it take to V.? 298
10. 你將要……,不是嗎? You are going to V., aren’t you? 300
動動腦 302
1. 由於、因為…… Because of + N./V-ing, S. + V. 304
2. 也許這是因為…… Perhaps this is due to + N./V-ing 306
3. 因為…… It’s because + S. + V. 308
4. ……全都是因為…… It’s all because of + N./V-ing + that + S. + V. 310
5. ……的原因是…… The reason for + N./V-ing + is that + S. + V. 312
6. 那就是……的原因。 That’s why + S. + V. 314
7. 如此……(以致於……) so + adj./adv. + that + S. + V. 316
8. 如此……(以致於……) such + a(n) + adj. + N.(單數可數) / adj. + N.(複數/不可數) + that + S. + V. 318
動動腦 320
1. 據說…… It is said that + S. + V. 322
2. 是時候……了。 It’s time + for N. / to V. / that + S. + V-ed 324
3. ……是很重要的。 It is important + (for sb) to V. / that + S. + V. 326
4. ……很有可能…… It is likely that + S. + V. 328
5. 難怪…… (It is) no wonder (that) + S. + V. 330
6. 結果、原來…… It turns out that + S. + V. 332
7. 我突然想到…… It occurred to me that + S. + V. 334
動動腦 336
1. 我們只需要……就可以。 All we have to do is V. 338
2. 一……就…… As soon as + S. + V., S. + V. 340
3. 雖然……,但…… Although/Though + S. + V., S. + V. 342
4. 一定要…… Be sure to V. 344
5. 無論…… No matter + wh- 疑問詞 + S. + V., . . . 346
6. 不需要、沒有必要……There is no need + for N./V-ing / (for sb) to V. 348
7. 如果是那樣的話,那…… If that’s the case, then + S. + V. 350
8. 太……而無法…… too + adj./adv. + (for sb/sth) to V. 352
動動腦 354