Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Depression In Children And Adolescents

Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)
Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)

Skill Sharpeners 七學科練習套組Grade 2 (共7本平裝本)


:NT$ 2926 元
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Critical Thinking 批判思考
Foster your first grader’s critical thinking skills and see confidence soar! Children are naturally inquisitive from infancy, yet creative and problem-solving skills need to be nurtured as children grow. Like reading and math skills, critical thinking skills require practice.

The variety of fun and creative activities in this series will challenge your child to use higher-order thinking skills based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Every page provides a new and interesting activity that will help your child:

Think outside the box and use higher-order thinking skills through open-ended questions and challenges
Tap into his or her creativity with art projects and hands-on activities
Become a better learner by practicing critical thinking skills in cross-curricular activities (based on science, math, social studies, and language arts content)

Geography 地理(社會人文)
Skill Sharpeners: Geography engages your child in exploring the world while learning important map skills and geography concepts. The cross-curricular activities integrate the most current geography standards.

Each geography topic includes nonfiction reading selections, comprehension questions, vocabulary practice, writing prompts, and authentic activities that bring the concepts to life. These activities invite your child to be creative while using higher-order thinking skills.

Activities incorporate geography concepts such as:

Map skills
Places and regions
Continents and oceans
Includes answer key.

Grammar and Punctuation 文法&標點符號
Skill Sharpeners: Grammar and Punctuation provides visually engaging reading selections, activities, and word games that will motivate your child to practice and learn essential grammar and punctuation skills. Plus, a Language Handbook provides you with a quick reference of the concepts covered.
The activity book is organized into 15 theme-based units around topics that first graders enjoy, such as bugs, families, and food. Each unit focuses on a grammar concept and punctuation concept, and includes:

A reading selection – A short fiction or nonfiction text engages children and presents the concept or skill in context.
Rule boxes – Grammar and punctuation rules are made simple with a short explanation, and clear examples help to teach the skill.
Colorful practice activities – A variety of activities include fun illustrations to motivate your child to practice the grammar and punctuation skills.
Riddles and word games – Your child will use critical thinking skills while applying the targeted grammar or punctuation skill in a fun format!
Writing practice – The “Write It Right!” page encourages your child to use the skills in context, which further promotes understanding.
Review page – The short review activity is a great way to check your child’s understanding.

Math 數學
Skill Sharpeners: Math activity books help students understand and maintain important math skills in their grade level. The fun activities provided in each unit create enjoyable learning experiences for children.

Each title includes:
Colorful and engaging practice pages.
Themed units that provide practice of important grade-level math concepts.
A “test your skills” option at the end of each unit that gives a clear picture of whether or not the skills have been mastered.
Perfect as an at-home activity book, homeschool curriculum resource, or after-school enrichment, Skill Sharpeners: Math helps students master important skills in measurements, data, numbers, and computation needed to form a strong math foundation.

Reading 閱讀
Get kids excited about learning to read with the colorful and engaging stories and activities in Evan-Moor’s Skill Sharpeners: Reading.This kindergarten activity book touches on vital reading foundation skills, including phonological awareness, phonics and word analysis. Each letter of the alphabet serves up a fun story that is followed by research-based activities designed to build critical reading skills. Use it to supplement existing kindergarten curriculums or as reinforcement at home. Skill Sharpeners: Reading makes for an excellent companion for a kindergarten homeschool curriculum too.

Science 科學
Build your first grader’s understanding of physical, life, and earth science with this full-color activity book! Engaging reading selections, activities, and hands-on projects will motivate your child to learn science concepts that are based on the most current science standards.
The simple hands-on activities help your child understand and retain science concepts in a memorable way.

Spell & Write 拼寫
Skill Sharpeners Spell & Write, PreK contains 26 units, one for each letter of the alphabet. Each unit includes an alphabet story and three activity pages to help students identify and write the capital and lowercase letter presented. The unit ends with a Test Your Skills assessment page, where answers are presented in a fill-in-the-bubble test format.
Reading readiness skills practiced include:

identifying capital and lowercase letters
vocabulary development
visual discrimination
Children also develop their fine motor skills by completing the fun activities.







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