UNIT1 Welcome to Debate 1
Section1 Learning about how to debate 2
Debate:A Brief Introduction 2
Section2 Preparing to debate 5
Social Networking Is a Way of Being 7
Section3 Let's debate! 14
UNIT2 The Structure of Argument 19
Section1 Learning about how to debate 20
The Structure of Argument 20
Section2 Preparing to debate 26
Playing Violent Video Games Leads to Increased Aggression 28
Section3 Let's debate! 34
UNIT3 Arguing for the Affirmative 37
Section1 Learning about how to debate 38
Types of Motions 38
Arguing for the Affirmative 41
Section2 Preparing to debate 43
The Evolution of the Family 45
Section3 Let's debate! 52
UNIT4 Arguing for the Negative 55
Section1 Learning about how to debate 56
Arguing for the Negative 56
Attacking the Affirmative Case 58
Section2 Preparing to debate 60
Who is Responsible When a Child Breaks the Law? 62
Section3 Let's debate! 68
UNIT5 Refutation and Point of Information 73
Section1 Learning about how to debate 74
Refutation 74
Section2 Preparing to debate 78
NoParking:Oslo Aims to Limit Carsin City Center 80
Section3 Let's debate! 87
UNIT6 Fallacies 91
Section1 Learning about how to debate 92
Fallacies 92
Section2 Preparing to debate 95
Global Mismatch Between Green house Gas Emissions and the Burden of Climate Change
Section3 Let's debate! 105
UNIT7 Delivery in Debate 109
Section1 Learning about how to debate
Delivery in Debate 110
Section2 Preparing to debate 114
What It Means to Legalize Euthanasia 115
Section3 Let's debate! 123
UNIT8 Judging aDebate 126
Section1 Learning about how to debate
Judging a Debate 127
Section2 Preparing to debate 131
Nuclear Power Can Save the World 133
Section3 Let's debate! 142
Appendix 145
Index 149
References 151
UNIT1 Welcome to Debate 1
Section1 Learning about how to debate 2
Debate:A Brief Introduction 2
Section2 Preparing to debate 5
Social Networking Is a Way of Being 7
Section3 Let's debate! 14
UNIT2 The Structure of Argument 19
Section1 Learning about how to debate 20
The Structure of Argument 20
Section2 Preparing to debate 26
Playing Violent Video Games Leads to Increased Aggression 28
Section3 Let's debate! 34
UNIT3 Arguing for the Affirmative 37
Section1 Learning about how to debate 38
Types of Motions 38
Arguing for the Affirmative 41
Section2 Preparing to debate 43
The Evolution of the Family 45
Section3 Let's debate! 52
UNIT4 Arguing for the Negative 55
Section1 Learning about how to debate 56
Arguing for the Negative 56
Attacking the Affirmative Case 58
Section2 Preparing to debate 60
Who is Responsible When a Child Breaks the Law? 62
Section3 Let's debate! 68
UNIT5 Refutation and Point of Information 73
Section1 Learning about how to debate 74
Refutation 74
Section2 Preparing to debate 78
NoParking:Oslo Aims to Limit Carsin City Center 80
Section3 Let's debate! 87
UNIT6 Fallacies 91
Section1 Learning about how to debate 92
Fallacies 92
Section2 Preparing to debate 95
Global Mismatch Between Green house Gas Emissions and the Burden of Climate Change
Section3 Let's debate! 105
UNIT7 Delivery in Debate 109
Section1 Learning about how to debate
Delivery in Debate 110
Section2 Preparing to debate 114
What It Means to Legalize Euthanasia 115
Section3 Let's debate! 123
UNIT8 Judging aDebate 126
Section1 Learning about how to debate
Judging a Debate 127
Section2 Preparing to debate 131
Nuclear Power Can Save the World 133
Section3 Let's debate! 142
Appendix 145
Index 149
References 151
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