Emotional Eating: DROP THAT SPOON! - How To Maintain Emotional Self-Regulation and Rewire Your Brain Without The Need To Seek Comfort Fr
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Emotional Eating: DROP THAT SPOON! - How To Maintain Emotional Self-Regulation and Rewire Your Brain Without The Need To Seek Comfort Fr

Emotional Eating: DROP THAT SPOON! - How To Maintain Emotional Self-Regulation and Rewire Your Brain Without The Need To Seek Comfort Fr


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Are you suffering from emotional eating, binge eating disorder, or bulimia? Do you want to change your relationship with food? Do you want to look deep within and find the root causes of your daily struggles? If you find yourself struggling with any of these forms of disordered eating, this book is the guide you need. Read on to find out exactly what this book will teach you.

In reading this book, you will learn the following and much, much more
  • What is emotional eating?
  • What is binge eating?
  • What is bulimia?
  • Why do people binge eat?
  • Why do people have bulimia?
  • Why do people eat emotionally?
  • Scientific research on eating disorders and why they exist
  • Understanding the neuroscience of brain chemicals and food
  • How to stop binge eating
  • How to stop Bulimia
  • How to stop emotional eating
  • How to begin making good choices
  • How to use intuitive eating to change your life
  • What is intuitive eating?
  • The basics of intuitive eating
  • What kind of foods to choose?
  • How to develop and use healthier thinking patterns
  • How to make these healthier choices last
  • Where to go for help if your disordered eating becomes uncontrollable
  • How to seek therapy or counseling

If you have been wondering what you can do about your disordered eating, this book will give you a step-by-step guide for how you can begin to recover and change your life for good. Included in this book is not only this step-by-step guide but a wealth of information that will help you to better understand exactly why you suffer from disordered eating.

Treating a problem always begins with identifying the problem. This book will help you to identify the deeper problem. There are few books out there with an interactive guide to identifying the deep-rooted problem and then beginning to remedy it. This book contains both of these combined into one, without you ever needing to step into the office of a therapist or a psychologist.

Everything you need to make a change is already inside of you, and this book will show you the way to finding these things for yourself. This will then allow you to have lasting results because you will know how to look deep within and find what you are looking for if you ever need this later in your life.

Instead of providing you with band-aid solutions, this book provides you with the real reasons that eating disorders exist and how you can address the root issues underlying your condition. This book understands that this is the only true way to find lasting change and recovery for good.

This book understands you and the problem you are facing, and it addresses it with grace and tact. It does not force you in any certain direction, but rather it shows you the direction and encourages you to choose it for yourself. By deciding to make the changes you need, you will be much more likely to find success.

Don't delay any longer, take action today, and choose to help yourself for good This book is the guide you have been looking for.

Pick up your copy of the book right now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page






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