The Dangers And Health Effects Of Radiation Exposure, The Sources Of Ionizing Radiation And Non-Ionizing Radiation, How To Minimize Your Exposure To I

The Dangers And Health Effects Of Radiation Exposure, The Sources Of Ionizing Radiation And Non-Ionizing Radiation, How To Minimize Your Exposure To I


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This essay sheds light on the dangers and health effects of radiation exposure, demystifies the sources of iodizing radiation and non-iodizing radiation, explicates how to minimize your exposure to ionizing radiation and non-iodizing radiation, elucidates how to mitigate the adverse effects of iodizing radiation exposure and non-iodizing radiation exposure, and expounds upon how to optimize your overall health. Moreover, the myriad of simple to prepare and palatable healthy food recipes for longevity are demystified and the plethora of deadly disease causing foods that you should always desist from ever considering devouring are revealed in this essay. Furthermore, how to substantially mitigate risks for succumbing to contracting lethal chronic diseases by embracing a salubrious, wholesome, heart healthy, brain healthy, kidney healthy, anticancer, antidiabetic, nutrient dense, alkaline, antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory, raw fruitarian diet is expounded upon in this essay. The dangers of consuming excess salt are often grossly underestimated. The dangers of radiation exposure are often grossly overlooked. Exposure to ionizing radiation can do far more than just ravage your DNA, shorten your telomeres, and amplify your risk of contracting cancer. Sources of ionizing radiation produce electromagnetic fields which you never want to be within the radius of since being within these electromagnetic fields perilously exposes you to high level radiation. Even though the adverse effects of radiation exposure in which radiation is emitted from sources of non-ionizing radiation may be less deleterious, the adverse effects of adverse effects of radiation exposure in which radiation is emitted from sources of ionizing radiation can be lethal. Exposure to ionizing radiation cannot only undermine the body's nervous system function and wreak havoc on cells, but can also cause "sleep disturbances, headache, depression and depressive symptoms, lethargy and fatigue, difficulty concentrating, changes in memory, dizziness, irritability, the loss of appetite, weight loss, restlessness and anxiety, nausea, skin burning and tingling, dysesthesia which is a painful and often itchy sensation, and can induce changes in an electrical activity in the brain". "High-level electromagnetic fields exposure is known to cause neurological and physiological problems by disrupting human nerve function". High-level electromagnetic fields emit radiation and are not deemed safe to be within the radius of, especially if you are concerned about safeguarding your sacrosanct health. The body is not designed to be unremittingly besieged by radiation and you should do everything in your purview to minimize your exposure to radiation. The grave health effects of radiation exposure can be lethal to the individual's overall health. Albeit an inefficacious treatment for cancer patients, medical doctors utilize radiation therapy for the prospect of being able to abate "tumors and eliminate cancer cells. Exposure to ionizing radiation from radiation therapy treatments does more than just cause skin issues, such as dryness color changes, blistering, peeling, pain or tenderness, and hair loss, but can also cause swelling or tenderness, mouth sores, a sore throat difficulty swallowing headaches vision changes nausea vomiting bladder or bowel changes, sexual dysfunction, and fatigue. Moreover, exposure to ionizing radiation from radiation therapy treatments can elicit thyroid problems, lymphedema, infertility, and secondary cancers". The adverse health effects of ionizing radiation exposure are deadly and cannot only result is someone's health further ailing, but can also increase their mortality and decrease their longevity rate. Exposure to ionizing radiation can render it all the more arduous to function to perform everyday tasks. It is within the best interest of the individual to minimize their exposure to ionizing radiation.







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