Tapestry of Many Blessings: Our God is the God of Miracles and Answered Prayers

Tapestry of Many Blessings: Our God is the God of Miracles and Answered Prayers


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Psalms 78:4 NLT says 'We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders.'I perceive the Lord to be a master weaver of a beautiful tapestry and His children's lives are woven into it with purpose, precision, creativity, individuality and unimaginable beauty. Thus... my book title... "Tapestry of Many Blessings." I get the distinct feeling that my life is beautifully woven into a larger tapestry that holds us all together. It is a testimony that I need to share.My testimony is one of a growing relationship with a relational and good God... getting to know Jesus... and my unique walk with Him. It is a testimony of generational blessings, answered prayers and miracles. I wish to share the "God" threads that I recognize and know have shaped my story. He is real He is awesome And I want to show how He has impacted my life.The Bible is a tapestry that pictures the life of the chosen people of God. Beginning before creation in John 1:1... through creation (Genesis)... the beginning of life... and the threads of one family as it passed through history culminating in the coming of Jesus to this earth and His sacrifice in order that His family could grow to all who desire to know Him. This is the spectacular story... that the God of the universe would desire a family and put a plan into motion that includes you and me... thus I have a story. You have a story. If you are like me, you feel deep down that nothing around us is an accident. There is a master Creator and Designer and there is purpose to this life we live. If you have never met Jesus, I invite you to seek Him out. He knows you and has been aware of every aspect of your life. He has a plan along with the Father and it includes you. He is the bridge to God the Father and the bridge to an everlasting future within the beautiful family of God. He offers a free gift of salvation... a gift that we have to accept. It is not just given away without us understanding the value of this free gift. Our walk with the Lord is a process. He loves us unconditionally and seeks after us gently. As we respond to Him, we begin to learn more and more about Him. We grow to trust Him over time. I grew up in a God-fearing home but I did not understand Him well. He still worked in my life. He was answering my prayers and protecting me and guiding me from a young age. I gave my life to Him with my whole heart when I was 18. I didn't understand Him well at that time. He honored and loved me along anyway. I choose to honor Him and for that reason have wrapped my entire life around His inspired Word.







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