Chill.: a book for kids (and others) who are trying to calm down

Chill.: a book for kids (and others) who are trying to calm down


:NT$ 384 元
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From Chill: I know there are times you feel overwhelmed by everything and you snap. In your head, you know you are about to snap. You don't want to snap, but you do.You throw punches and snarl and kick and fight and scream. You cry and freak out and panic. You think your past is going to jump from the shadows and attack. You collapse into jelly on the floor and can't get up. Sometimes you shake for days.I've done all of this. We have something in common. Let me tell you that every time I've had a meltdown, I've regretted it. I made a fool of myself. I scared people. I earned a reputation as a nut. I annoyed people, and they walked away, sometimes forever. Most importantly, I frustrated myself because I didn't have control over my emotions. Don't get me wrong. I want to feel my emotions. I just don't want them to run the show. Out-of-control wasn't what I wanted to be. I wanted to be one of those people who can handle the rough rides of life. I wanted to be strong. I wanted to be confident. I fixed a bunch of things in my thinking and in my life that were leading to meltdowns. You can fix them too.I'm going to warn you that this stuff isn't a magic wand. You're going to have to practice, fail, practice, fail, and try again. You will get better if you stick with it. The goal every day is to be a little better than yesterday. Do I always stay calm? Nope. But I have better control over my emotions. Life doesn't jerk my chain, and my senses no longer run me off a cliff. I can handle things with grace. With grace. People don't walk away from me as often. People take me seriously when I want to be taken seriously. I stand up for myself without putting down others. I accept what I can't change, and I find the solutions to every problem that pops up. I can handle every storm.These are some of the rewards of chilling.Calming down didn't come easy for me. At the same time, I knew it was something I had to do. I had to calm down if I wanted a better life. If I wanted to sleep at night. If I wanted to keep my friends. If I wanted to relax and enjoy myself.If I wanted to feel safe.You picked up this book (or maybe someone gave it to you) because you want those things too. Right?







定價:100 384



