Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting Vol.13
出版社:Center for PBBEFR & Airiti Pre
作者:Cheng F. Lee
:NT$ 3200 元優惠價
:90 折 2880 元
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Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting (New Series) is
an annual publication designed to disseminate developments in the quantitative
analysis of finance and accounting. The publication is a forum for statistical and
quantitative analyses of issues in finance and accounting as well as applications of
quantitative methods to problems in financial management, financial accounting,
and business management. The objective is to promote interaction between
academic research in finance and accounting and applied research in the financial
community and the accounting profession.
The papers in this volume cover a wide range of topics including corporate
finance, financial accounting, and investment analysis.
In this volume there are eleven chapters, five of them are corporate finance
papers: 2. Are Capital Reductions to Cover Losses and Following Seasoned Equity
Offerings a Panacea for Recovery?, 3. The Moderating Effects of Split Share Structure
Reform on the Relation between Dividend Preferences and Share Segmentation System
of China Listed Firms, 6. Do High-Ability CEOs Matter to Shareholders? Evidence
Using a Unique Measure for CEO Ability, 8. Default Triggers: Does a Liquidity-Based
Default Imply Over-Indebtedness and Vice Versa? and 9. CEO Inside Debt and the
Maturity Structure of Corporate Debt.
Four of the other six chapters cover financial accounting: 4. The Effect of
Real Activity Earnings Management on Price Valuation Implication, 7. Conservatism,
Accrual Persistence Asymmetry, and Stock Returns, 10. Legal Origin, Investor
Perception, and Pricing of Accruals for Cross-Listed Firms, and 11. Earnings
Management and Short Selling around Earnings Announcements.
The remaining two chapters cover investment analysis. The papers are: 1. Tax
Consequences of Active Portfolio Management: A Simulation Approach and 5. The
Credit Risk of the Overall Stock Market: A Simple Stochastic Approach.
an annual publication designed to disseminate developments in the quantitative
analysis of finance and accounting. The publication is a forum for statistical and
quantitative analyses of issues in finance and accounting as well as applications of
quantitative methods to problems in financial management, financial accounting,
and business management. The objective is to promote interaction between
academic research in finance and accounting and applied research in the financial
community and the accounting profession.
The papers in this volume cover a wide range of topics including corporate
finance, financial accounting, and investment analysis.
In this volume there are eleven chapters, five of them are corporate finance
papers: 2. Are Capital Reductions to Cover Losses and Following Seasoned Equity
Offerings a Panacea for Recovery?, 3. The Moderating Effects of Split Share Structure
Reform on the Relation between Dividend Preferences and Share Segmentation System
of China Listed Firms, 6. Do High-Ability CEOs Matter to Shareholders? Evidence
Using a Unique Measure for CEO Ability, 8. Default Triggers: Does a Liquidity-Based
Default Imply Over-Indebtedness and Vice Versa? and 9. CEO Inside Debt and the
Maturity Structure of Corporate Debt.
Four of the other six chapters cover financial accounting: 4. The Effect of
Real Activity Earnings Management on Price Valuation Implication, 7. Conservatism,
Accrual Persistence Asymmetry, and Stock Returns, 10. Legal Origin, Investor
Perception, and Pricing of Accruals for Cross-Listed Firms, and 11. Earnings
Management and Short Selling around Earnings Announcements.
The remaining two chapters cover investment analysis. The papers are: 1. Tax
Consequences of Active Portfolio Management: A Simulation Approach and 5. The
Credit Risk of the Overall Stock Market: A Simple Stochastic Approach.