Your Adventures at CERN: Play the Hero Among Particles and a Particular Dinosaur!
出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc
作者:Letizia Diamante
規格:26.1cm*18.4cm*1.7cm (高/寬/厚)
As soon as you open this book, YOU become the protagonist!
You will be catapulted to CERN, one of the most famous laboratories in the world — a real scientific wonderland of underground tunnels, massive experiments and technological marvels.
You can choose to play the role of a researcher, a student or a tourist, but keep your eyes open for a threatening dinosaur... Is it coming from the nearby Jura Mountains, the same place that gave Jurassic its name?
Prepare yourself for a rather bizarre adventure filled with loads of brain-tickling facts about particles and science wonders. Unfold the story, explore the unsolved mysteries of the Universe, and most importantly, have fun with the games and quizzes!
Are you ready to face the huge prehistoric beast and discover the secrets of tiny particles?
As soon as you open this book, YOU become the protagonist!
You will be catapulted to CERN, one of the most famous laboratories in the world — a real scientific wonderland of underground tunnels, massive experiments and technological marvels.
You can choose to play the role of a researcher, a student or a tourist, but keep your eyes open for a threatening dinosaur... Is it coming from the nearby Jura Mountains, the same place that gave Jurassic its name?
Prepare yourself for a rather bizarre adventure filled with loads of brain-tickling facts about particles and science wonders. Unfold the story, explore the unsolved mysteries of the Universe, and most importantly, have fun with the games and quizzes!
Are you ready to face the huge prehistoric beast and discover the secrets of tiny particles?
Letizia Diamante的童年充滿遊戲繪本、動作電影和日本漫畫。但比不上她在 8 歲時,第一次看見暴龍化石的驚訝。多年來,她一直沉浸在科學的世界中,並於英國劍橋大學獲得生物化學博士學位,對科學保持冒險和探索的熱情,研究之餘,她也對古代生物的相關知識情有獨鍾。她時常撰寫科學新知的文章、製作介紹科學家、探索科學博物館的影片。
當Claudia Flandoli還是個孩子的時候,她想著長大後會成為一個什麼樣的人:一名科學家!等等,漫畫家!為什麼不是插畫家?或者也許是……貓女?
最後她成功地集合每一個職業的特點:一個寫與畫科學的漫畫家。自 2015 年以來,她出版了多部漫畫和一部圖畫小說,並為生物醫學期刊繪製插圖。最神奇的是,在為本書繪製中,幫助她完成最後的難題的是……一隻貓!
About the Author
Letizia's childhood was laden with gamebooks, action films and Japanese animations. Nothing, however, could beat the amazement she felt at the age of 8 when she came close to a real T-rex skeleton. Over the years, she has immersed herself in the world of science, received a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Cambridge (UK), and kept her enthusiasm for adventure and exploration. Secretly, she still has a soft spot for paleo-creatures.
She loves writing about the latest discoveries, making videos about scientists, exploring science museums and taking part in science festivals. During her time at CERN, she had special access to the biggest particle accelerator on Earth, and the experimental caverns 100 metres underground. She thought CERN was a wonderful setting for a gamebook that introduces the fascinating world of particle physics. She hopes this book will inspire young readers to be intellectually intrepid.
About the Illustrator
When Claudia was a child, she dreamed a lot of what she'd be when she grew up: a scientist! No wait, a cartoonist! Why not an illustrator? Or perhaps a... cat lady?
We can happily report that she managed to become a little bit of each: a cartoonist who writes and draws about science. Since 2015, she has published several comics and a graphic novel, and has created illustrations for biomedical research journals. Making the illustrations for "Your adventures at CERN" helped her put the final piece of the puzzle: one of the main characters is... a cat! Wonderful!
Letizia Diamante的童年充滿遊戲繪本、動作電影和日本漫畫。但比不上她在 8 歲時,第一次看見暴龍化石的驚訝。多年來,她一直沉浸在科學的世界中,並於英國劍橋大學獲得生物化學博士學位,對科學保持冒險和探索的熱情,研究之餘,她也對古代生物的相關知識情有獨鍾。她時常撰寫科學新知的文章、製作介紹科學家、探索科學博物館的影片。
當Claudia Flandoli還是個孩子的時候,她想著長大後會成為一個什麼樣的人:一名科學家!等等,漫畫家!為什麼不是插畫家?或者也許是……貓女?
最後她成功地集合每一個職業的特點:一個寫與畫科學的漫畫家。自 2015 年以來,她出版了多部漫畫和一部圖畫小說,並為生物醫學期刊繪製插圖。最神奇的是,在為本書繪製中,幫助她完成最後的難題的是……一隻貓!
About the Author
Letizia's childhood was laden with gamebooks, action films and Japanese animations. Nothing, however, could beat the amazement she felt at the age of 8 when she came close to a real T-rex skeleton. Over the years, she has immersed herself in the world of science, received a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Cambridge (UK), and kept her enthusiasm for adventure and exploration. Secretly, she still has a soft spot for paleo-creatures.
She loves writing about the latest discoveries, making videos about scientists, exploring science museums and taking part in science festivals. During her time at CERN, she had special access to the biggest particle accelerator on Earth, and the experimental caverns 100 metres underground. She thought CERN was a wonderful setting for a gamebook that introduces the fascinating world of particle physics. She hopes this book will inspire young readers to be intellectually intrepid.
About the Illustrator
When Claudia was a child, she dreamed a lot of what she'd be when she grew up: a scientist! No wait, a cartoonist! Why not an illustrator? Or perhaps a... cat lady?
We can happily report that she managed to become a little bit of each: a cartoonist who writes and draws about science. Since 2015, she has published several comics and a graphic novel, and has created illustrations for biomedical research journals. Making the illustrations for "Your adventures at CERN" helped her put the final piece of the puzzle: one of the main characters is... a cat! Wonderful!
Before You Begin:
Finding Your Way Around CERN
Looking Inside Things
How Small are Particles?
Records and Surprises
Answers and Solutions
Bonus Material
Useful Links
Schrödy's Glossary
Finding Your Way Around CERN
Looking Inside Things
How Small are Particles?
Records and Surprises
Answers and Solutions
Bonus Material
Useful Links
Schrödy's Glossary