Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!What should a family do when everyone wants to eat something different? Go to a food court, of course! Good idea, Timmy and Tammy! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣! 當家裡每個人都想吃不同的東西時,該怎麼辦?當然是去美食廣場囉!好主意,蒂米和塔米!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!What should a family do when everyone wants to eat something different? Go to a food court, of course! Good idea, Timmy and Tammy! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣! 當家裡每個人都想吃不同的東西時,該怎麼辦?當然是去美食廣場囉!好主意,蒂米和塔米!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!Come have fun with Timmy and Tammy while they check out the beautiful dragon playground. Playground time is always a great time, and it's also the best time to make new friends! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣!快來和 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起參觀美麗的龍遊樂場,享受快樂的時光。遊樂場時光總是令人愉快,也是結交新朋友的最佳時機!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!Timmy and Tammy soak in the sun and sand at the beach! Let's join them for the perfect family outing! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣!蒂米和塔米在海灘享受陽光和沙灘!讓我們和他們一起享受一次完美的家庭出遊吧!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!Timmy and Tammy soak in the sun and sand at the beach! Let's join them for the perfect family outing! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣!蒂米和塔米在海灘享受陽光和沙灘!讓我們和他們一起享受一次完美的家庭出遊吧!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!Come have fun with Timmy and Tammy while they check out the beautiful dragon playground. Playground time is always a great time, and it's also the best time to make new friends! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣!快來和 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起參觀美麗的龍遊樂場,享受快樂的時光。遊樂場時光總是令人愉快,也是結交新朋友的最佳時機!
一天,大腦裡負責施展魔法讓兔兔入睡的小黑出走了!兔兔再也無法睡覺!怎麼辦?一天、兩天、三天……失眠兔日間動作慢吞吞,夜裡感到孤零零。想盡辦法,卻仍無法進入夢鄉,大家有什麼好點子?如果合眾人之力,問題還是無法解決,那世界是否要末日了?我們常教導孩子要努力克服困難,但萬一世界上有無論如何再努力也無法克服的困難呢?那可以怎麼辦?無法達成的心願、無法改變的事實、無法……面對這一座座大山,歸根究柢,更需要調適心態!In "The Sleepless Bunny," the magic once soothing Bunny to sleep vanishes, leading to restless nights and lonely days. Despite endless efforts, relief is elusive. Could some problems be truly unsolvable? This touching tale explores the transformative power of adjusting our mindset when facing the unchangeable.