Figurations Animalières À Travers Les Textes Et l'Image En Europe: Du Moyen-Age À Nos Jours
出版社:Brill Academic Pub
:NT$ 9686 元若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。
Poissons qui grimpent aux arbres, cigognes qui prennent soin de leurs parents... A l'鋨e pr幦oderne, les textes et les arts visuels forment un fabuleux bestiaire qui r憝鋩e l'inventivit?et la richesse de la r嶨lexion sur les animaux. Les 彋udes de ce volume vous font d嶰ouvrir l'animal dans tous ses 彋ats: est-il une simple image anthropomorphique de l'homme ? Un mod鋩e ?suivre ? Ou m瘱e un 皻re autonome, 嶲al ou sup廨ieur ?l'homme ? Explorant une diversit?de textes - fables, po廥ie, roman, r嶰its de voyage, embl鋗es - et de m嶮ias visuels - peinture, tapisserie, bijouterie -, ce volume montre les fructueux 嶰hanges pr幦odernes entre l'histoire naturelle et les arts. En interrogeant implicitement la n嶰essit?de d廧asser l'anthropocentrisme et l'anthropomorphisme r嶲nants, il s'inscrit dans les nouvelles tendances de la critique culturelle.
Fish climbing trees, storks taking care of their parents... Premodern textual and visual culture presents us with a fabulous bestiary that reveals ingenious and rich reflections on the animal kingdom. The studies united in this volume will allow you to discover animals in all their possible states: are they simple anthropomorphic images of man? Models to follow? Or autonomous beings, equal or even superior to man? By exploring a large diversity of texts ? fables, poetry, novels, travel narratives, emblematic works - and visual media - paintings, tapestries, jewellery -, this richly illustrated volume displays the fruitful premodern exchanges between natural history and culture. It follows new trends in cultural criticism by implicitly interrogating the need to move beyond the reigning paradigms of anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism.
Fish climbing trees, storks taking care of their parents... Premodern textual and visual culture presents us with a fabulous bestiary that reveals ingenious and rich reflections on the animal kingdom. The studies united in this volume will allow you to discover animals in all their possible states: are they simple anthropomorphic images of man? Models to follow? Or autonomous beings, equal or even superior to man? By exploring a large diversity of texts ? fables, poetry, novels, travel narratives, emblematic works - and visual media - paintings, tapestries, jewellery -, this richly illustrated volume displays the fruitful premodern exchanges between natural history and culture. It follows new trends in cultural criticism by implicitly interrogating the need to move beyond the reigning paradigms of anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism.