Love and Family: How the Power of Unconditional Love Saves and Heals Relationships

Love and Family: How the Power of Unconditional Love Saves and Heals Relationships

Love and Family: How the Power of Unconditional Love Saves and Heals Relationships


:NT$ 468 元
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The most important predictor of the health and stability of both individuals and societies is the strength of the family. Yet over the last 60 years we have witnessed the disintegration of the family unit at an alarming rate. When family relationships are damaged or destroyed, individuals are left to cast about in the world seeking a replacement. Often they resort to gangs, cults, loosely committed companionships, drugs, alcohol, and worse. While many forces in the world degrade the stability of the family, it seems that most of the difficulty families face comes from within the family itself. Many children do not enjoy the benefit of seeing their parents model loving and mature relationships. Before long they become parents themselves and perpetuate a cycle of weak and broken relationships.

The solution to this dilemma and the salvation of our broken world lies in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Specifically, his commandment to love one another as he has loved us. That is: unconditionally.

Love and Family: How the Power of Unconditional Love Saves and Heals Relationships explores the power of the "new" commandment given in John 13:34. It does so from a gospel perspective with an appeal to prophets, apostles, and dozens of family experts who have dedicated their lives to God and strengthening families.

With references to hundreds of well-documented sources, Love and Family will define unconditional love and show how it is far superior to all other kinds. You will learn what it means to love unconditionally in your family, have patience with family members as they learn and how to teach by example. Remembering how we all were children once and realizing we are stewards of our children, not their masters will help us grow in love and respect for them. Love and Family will help you learn how to see others as God sees them through service in the home and family first. You will learn several key principles to help your children govern themselves.

While Love and Family: How Unconditional Love Saves and Heals Relationships primarily focuses on parent-child relationships, the family-saving truths can be applied to all relationships. Unconditional love means putting people before principles and being the bridge back home to those who have lost their way.






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