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This book presents an exploration of a wide range of issues in law, regulation and legal rights in the sectors of information protection, the creative economy and business activities following COVID-19. The debilitative effect of the global pandemic on information protection and creative and business activities is powerful, widespread and deeply influential, bringing a range of uncertainties to these sectors. The effects of the crisis challenge the fundamentals of the legal systems of most countries in their attempt to govern them.
Written by international academics from a diversified background of law disciplines and legal systems, this book offers a global vision in exploring the wide range of legal issues caused by the COVID-19 crisis in these fields. The book is organised into three clear thematic parts: Part I looks at information protection and intellectual property rights and strategies; Part II examines contracts, cooperation and mediation in the post-COVID-19 market arena; and Part III discusses issues pertaining to corporate governance and employment rights. The book explores the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic crisis from a global perspective.
It will provide invaluable information and guidance in this area to those in the fields of law, politics, and economics whose interests are related to information, business and the creative industry, as well as providing indispensable reading to business practitioners and public servants.
Written by international academics from a diversified background of law disciplines and legal systems, this book offers a global vision in exploring the wide range of legal issues caused by the COVID-19 crisis in these fields. The book is organised into three clear thematic parts: Part I looks at information protection and intellectual property rights and strategies; Part II examines contracts, cooperation and mediation in the post-COVID-19 market arena; and Part III discusses issues pertaining to corporate governance and employment rights. The book explores the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic crisis from a global perspective.
It will provide invaluable information and guidance in this area to those in the fields of law, politics, and economics whose interests are related to information, business and the creative industry, as well as providing indispensable reading to business practitioners and public servants.