Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan and Beyond
出版社:Springer Nature
作者:Shu-Mei Shih(EDI)
規格:23.4cm*15.6cm*2cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 8699 元若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。
Shu-mei Shih and Lin-chin Tsai, "Introduction"
I. Indigenous Knowledge, Education, and Research1. Tunkan Tansikian, "Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan"2. Tibusungʉ'e Vayayana, "Kuba-hosa-hupa: A Preliminary Study of Tsou Cosmos andPedagogy"3. Skaya Siku, "The Making of Indigenous Knowledge in Contemporary Taiwan: A Case Studyof Three Indigenous Documentary Filmmakers"4. Jolan Hsieh, Ena Ying-tzu Chang, and Sifo Lakaw, "From Collective Consent toConsultation Platform: Indigenous Research Ethics in Makotaay, Taiwan"5. Cheng-Feng Shih, "Indigenous Knowledge Production and Research Ethics"
II. Forms of Indigenous Knowledge1. Benoit Vermander, "Rituals as Local Knowledge: Millet and the Symbolic Subsistence ofTaiwan's Aboriginal Population"2. Stephen Acabado and Da-wei Kuan, "Landscape, Habitus and Identity: A ComparativeStudy on the Agricultural Transition of Highland Indigenous Communities in Philippines andTaiwan"3. Scott Simon, "Of Boars and Men: Indigenous Knowledge and Co-Management in Taiwan"4. Darryl Sterk, "The Hunter's Gift in Ecorealist Indigenous Fiction from Taiwan"5. Shu-Yuan Yang, "The Indigenous Land Rights Movement and Embodied Knowledge inTaiwan"
III. Settler Colonial and Decolonial Critique 1. Katsuya Hirano, Lorenzo Veracini, and Toulouse-Antonin Roy, "Vanishing Natives andTaiwan's Settler-Colonial Unconsciousness"2. Breny Mendoza, "Decolonial Theories in Comparison"3. Lin Fang-mei, "Two Historical Discourse Paradigms: Han People's Resistance against Japanand Indigenous People's Collaboration with Japan"4. Tsai Lin-chin, "Mapping Formosa: Settler Colonial Cartography in Taiwan Cinema in the1950s"
IV. Creative CodaDadelavan Ibau, "Being Indigenous in Taiwan and Tibet: A Writer's Journey"
I. Indigenous Knowledge, Education, and Research1. Tunkan Tansikian, "Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan"2. Tibusungʉ'e Vayayana, "Kuba-hosa-hupa: A Preliminary Study of Tsou Cosmos andPedagogy"3. Skaya Siku, "The Making of Indigenous Knowledge in Contemporary Taiwan: A Case Studyof Three Indigenous Documentary Filmmakers"4. Jolan Hsieh, Ena Ying-tzu Chang, and Sifo Lakaw, "From Collective Consent toConsultation Platform: Indigenous Research Ethics in Makotaay, Taiwan"5. Cheng-Feng Shih, "Indigenous Knowledge Production and Research Ethics"
II. Forms of Indigenous Knowledge1. Benoit Vermander, "Rituals as Local Knowledge: Millet and the Symbolic Subsistence ofTaiwan's Aboriginal Population"2. Stephen Acabado and Da-wei Kuan, "Landscape, Habitus and Identity: A ComparativeStudy on the Agricultural Transition of Highland Indigenous Communities in Philippines andTaiwan"3. Scott Simon, "Of Boars and Men: Indigenous Knowledge and Co-Management in Taiwan"4. Darryl Sterk, "The Hunter's Gift in Ecorealist Indigenous Fiction from Taiwan"5. Shu-Yuan Yang, "The Indigenous Land Rights Movement and Embodied Knowledge inTaiwan"
III. Settler Colonial and Decolonial Critique 1. Katsuya Hirano, Lorenzo Veracini, and Toulouse-Antonin Roy, "Vanishing Natives andTaiwan's Settler-Colonial Unconsciousness"2. Breny Mendoza, "Decolonial Theories in Comparison"3. Lin Fang-mei, "Two Historical Discourse Paradigms: Han People's Resistance against Japanand Indigenous People's Collaboration with Japan"4. Tsai Lin-chin, "Mapping Formosa: Settler Colonial Cartography in Taiwan Cinema in the1950s"
IV. Creative CodaDadelavan Ibau, "Being Indigenous in Taiwan and Tibet: A Writer's Journey"