Who Me? (Set 1)

Who Me? (Set 1)


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Who Me? 系列是由科學家本人和范德比大學 (Vanderbilt University)的合著者一同撰寫。透過科學家們鼓舞人心的的傳記,讓小讀者了解到,科學家都是像我們一樣的普通人,因為對學習和發現新事物的熱愛,一路上努力學習,並為自己創造機會並爭取成為科學家的機會,在了解科學家的成長故事的過程中,讀者除了能從中認識基本的科學概念,也能認識科學家現在所從事的尖端研究。

The Who Me? series features inspirational biographies of scientists who young readers will be able to identify with as people like themselves. Written by the scientists themselves and co-authors from Vanderbilt University, the books are designed to help young readers understand that scientists are regular people like themselves who are excited about learning and discovering new things and who decided to work hard in school in order to create for themselves the opportunity to become scientists. As they learn the stories of these scientists, readers will also learn some basic science ideas, that are well-explained and easily understood, and be introduced to the cutting-edge science these scientists are working on today.


Keivan Gaudalupe Stassun在加利福尼亞州洛杉磯長大。他是天文學教授,並擔任范德比大學物理學與天文學史蒂文森講座教授,並具有美國天文學會與美國科學促進會的研究員資格。他領導范德比數據密集型天體物理學計劃 (VIDA),並且是弗里斯特自閉症與創新中心的創始人。

Kevin B Johnson博士是范德比大學醫學中心的首席資訊學家、生物醫學資訊學院長、兒科教授。他是國際知名的健康資訊技術開發者和評鑑人員。同時擅長於創意表達和教育,他的創意作品清單上有一個成功的Podcast節目(全面資訊學Informatics in the Round)和一部電影(無論在哪裡No Matter Where)。

Tiffiny Tung是范德比大學人類學系教授兼系主任,她透過考察遺址中的木乃伊和骷髏,講述關於遠古時代人們的生活情形與科學故事。她的研究得到了美國國家科學基金會和溫納格倫基金會的支持,並曾在范德比大學獲得多項教學獎。她的研究主要集中在「帝國主義的生物考古學」,包括研究古病理學和與暴力有關的創傷,以闡明帝國主義對社區健康和生活方式,以及個人生活史的影響。

Keivan Gaudalupe Stassun grew up in Los Angeles, California. He is a Professor of Astronomy and holds the Stevenson Chair in Physics & Astronomy at Vanderbilt University. He directs the Vanderbilt Initiative in Data-Intensive Astrophysics (VIDA) and is the founder and director of the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation. He is a Legacy Fellow of the American Astronomical Society and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Kevin B Johnson, MD, MS is Informatician-in-Chief, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor and Chair of Biomedical Informatics, and Professor of Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He is an internationally respected developer and evaluator of health information technology. Johnson also specializes in creative expression and education, with a successful podcast (Informatics in the Round) and a feature film (No Matter Where) on his list of creative works.

Tiffiny Tung is a Professor and Chair of Anthropology at Vanderbilt University. She examines mummies and skeletons from archaeology sites to tell science-based stories about the lives of people that lived long ago. She has been a Fulbright Fellow, and her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation and the Wenner Gren Foundation. She has been awarded multiple teaching awards at Vanderbilt University. She is the director of the Bioarchaeology & Stable Isotope Research Lab at Vanderbilt, and she directs the long-term research program, "The Bioarchaeology of Wari Imperialism and Collapse," for which she invites college and high school students to travel with her to Peru and learn about Andean archaeology and skeletal analysis. She is the author of Violence, Ritual, and the Wari Empire: A Social Bioarchaeology of Imperialism in the Ancient Andes (2012).


• I'm an Astronomer Now!:
o I Want to Become an Astronomer
o Goals and Gravity
o The Key: Binary Star Systems
o Doing Science and Making Discoveries
o Glossary
o Discussion Questions and Additional Resources

• I'm a Biomedical Informatics Expert Now!:
o Discovering Myself
o Becoming a Scientist
o Becoming a Doctor
o Becoming a Biomedical Informatics Doctor
o Making a Difference in Medicine
o Glossary
o Discussion Questions and Additional Resources

• I'm a Bioarchaeologist Now!
o Growing Up an Explorer!
o College and My Trip to Peru
o Reading the Bones
o I'm More Than Just a Bioarchaeologist,I am a Professor Too!
o Glossary
o Discussion Questions and Additional Resources





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